Fall 2014 Course Descriptions

COMP 150-03 Design of Collaborative Learning Experiences

B. Shapiro
MW 4:30-5:45p, Halligan Hall 108
K+ Block

Students in this course will work in teams to learn and apply user-centered design processes in order to create collaborative technologies for learning. Teams will ethnographically observe and interview participants in settings like classrooms, after-school programs, maker spaces, massively multi-player video games, or hospitals, and analyze those data to understand what makes working and learning in those contexts difficult. They will then design and prototype new technologies and processes to assist, and then evaluate those technologies in context.

We encourage students with a range of different backgrounds, from CS to human factors engineering, and from to sociology to visual arts to take this course.

Prerequisite: CS/Engineering students: Experience programming web, desktop, or mobile applications. Feel free to contact instructor with questions.

Education/Other students: You are very much welcome in this course. Please contact instructor!

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