Fall 2023 Course Descriptions

CS 150-02 Quantum Information Science

S. Mehraban
TR 1:30-2:45, Room To Be Announced
H+ Block

This is a graduate seminar focusing on special topics in quantum computing and information science. The primary goal of this seminar is to prepare enthusiastic students to explore the literature and perform research in this field. Another goal is to work together as a class and prepare pedagogical materials that explain basic concepts in quantum computing and information science using simple and accessible language. We will post these materials as blog posts as we cover different topics.

Depending on student interest, potential topics include, but are not limited to, algorithms, post-quantum cryptography, quantum complexity classes, Hamiltonian complexity, nonlocal games, applications of quantum information science in other areas of physics, mathematics, and computer science, such as quantum-inspired algorithms, machine learning, satisfiability, phase transitions, probabilistically checkable proofs, connections with quantum gravity, etc. There are no assignments or exams. Each student is responsible for contributing to class discussions, presenting special topics, and leading discussion sessions. They are furthermore responsible for writing reports explaining the concepts covered in these sessions using simple language and collectively preparing them as blog posts. We will make these blog posts available to the public. Enthusiastic undergraduate students are welcome to join this class. Students from CS, mathematics, and physics can benefit from this class.

Prerequisite: Quantum complexity theory (CS-150), quantum computer science (CS-150), Quantum Information and Quantum Computation (COMP 151-02), equivalent courses, or permission from the instructor. Strong background in related areas of physics and mathematics is recommended. Strong background in linear algebra is specifically required (e.g. linear operators and their properties). Solid background in areas of computer science, such as the theory of computing, algorithms, and complexity theory will be very helpful.

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