Anselm Blumer

Assoc. Prof. Emeritus Anselm Blumer      Phone: (617) 627-3651
Computer Science                         Dept:  (617) 627-2225
Tufts University                         FAX:   (617) 627-2227
Medford MA 02155                         Email: ablumer (at) cs dot tufts dot edu

As of March 1, 2018 I am "Emeritus", a term from the Latin
"e or ex" (out of) + "mereri" (earn), so perhaps it means
"out of money".

Slides for PAC Learning and Parameterized Complexity, 20 November, 2024: Slides

Slides for tutorial on classical and quantum data compression, 23 July and 6 August, 2024: Slides

Slides for Quantum Logic discussion, 4 April, 2024: Slides

Lecture on data science and computer science, 28 April, 2023: Slides

Lecture on some data compression algorithms, 12 March, 2020: Slides

Lecture on Burrows-Wheeler transform, 9 March, 2020: Slides

Lecture on Dirichlet-Discrete model, 29 January, 2020: Slides

Lecture on matroids, 31 October, 2019: Slides and handout

Second lecture on matroids, 21 November, 2019: Slides and handout

In Fall 2017, I taught COMP 160: Analysis of Algorithms

In Fall 2016, I taught COMP 150MDC: Multimedia Data Compression and COMP 165: Cryptography

In Fall 2015, I taught COMP/MATH 61: Discrete Mathematics and COMP 131: Artificial Intelligence

In Spring 2015, I taught COMP 131: Artificial Intelligence and COMP 135: Machine Learning

In Fall 2014, I taught COMP 150BD: Big Data and COMP 150PR: Probabilistic Robotics

In Spring 2014, I taught COMP 131: Artificial Intelligence and COMP 160: Analysis of Algorithms

In Fall 2013, I taught COMP 150ECP: Evolution of Cognitive Processes and COMP 170: Theory of Computation

In Spring 2013, I taught COMP 131: Artificial Intelligence and COMP 170: Theory of Computation

In Fall 2012, I taught COMP 165: Cryptography

In Spring 2012, I taught COMP 131: Artificial Intelligence and COMP 150CO: Combinatorial Optimization

In Fall 2011, I taught COMP 160: Analysis of Algorithms

In Spring 2011, I taught COMP 131: Artificial Intelligence and COMP 150PGM: Probabilistic Graphical Models

In Fall 2010, I taught COMP 22: Discrete Mathematics

In Spring 2010, I taught COMP 131: Artificial Intelligence and COMP 170: Theory of Computation

In Fall 2009, I taught COMP 14: Computational Concepts in Biological and Cognitive Sciences and COMP 150TSA: Time Series and Digital Audio

In Spring 2009, I taught COMP 22: Discrete Mathematics and COMP 150ECP: Evolution of Cognitive Processes

In Fall 2008, I taught COMP 14: Computational Concepts in Biological and Cognitive Sciences

In Spring 2008, I taught COMP 14: Computational Concepts in Biological and Cognitive Sciences

In Fall 2007, I taught COMP 40: Computer Architecture and COMP 150CS: Cryptographic Algorithms and Protocols

In Spring 2007, I taught COMP 131: Artificial Intelligence and COMP 250P: Probability in Computer Science

In Spring 2006, I taught: COMP 150-MDC: Multimedia Data Compression

In Fall 2005, I taught: COMP 15: Data Structures and COMP 150-GEN: Genomic Sequence Algorithms

In Spring 2005, I taught COMP 160: Algorithms and COMP 250P: Probability in Computer Science

In Fall 2004, I taught: COMP 150CS: Cryptographic Algorithms and Protocols and COMP 170: Theory of Computation

In Spring 2004, I taught COMP 160: Algorithms

In Fall 2003, I taught COMP 250P: Probability in Computer Science, COMP 150EG: Electronic Government, and COMP 250TCH: Seminar on College Teaching

In Spring 2003, I taught COMP 160: Algorithms and COMP 150MDC: Multimedia Data Compression

In Fall 2002, I taught COMP 150EG: Electronic Government and COMP 250TCH: Seminar on College Teaching

In Spring 2002, I taught COMP 160: Algorithms

In Fall 2001, I taught COMP 20: Multimedia Programming

In Spring 2001, I taught COMP 250CCCS: Communicating Concepts in Computer Science

In Spring 2000, I taught COMP 150ML: Machine Learning

In Fall 1999, I taught COMP 40: Computer Architecture and Assembly Language Programming and COMP 250P: Probability in Computer Science

In Spring 1999, I taught COMP 170: Theory of Computation and COMP 150MDC: Multimedia Data Compression

In Fall 1998, I taught COMP 150: Cryptography

In Spring 1998, I taught COMP 170: Theory of Computation and COMP 150DNC: Digital Network Communication

In Fall 1997, I taught COMP 150ML: Machine Learning

In Fall 1996, I taught COMP 160: Algorithms

Virus competition simulation applet: click here

Experimental applet: Virtual White Board

Sort visualization applet: click here

TUFTS ML click here