% Epigram / Dependent types papers @Article{view-from-left, author = {Conor McBride and James McKinna}, title = {The view from the left}, journal = {Journal of Functional Programming}, year = 2004, volume = 14, number = 1, month = January, url = {view-from-left.pdf}, abstract = {This paper introduces some of the type theory and ideas behind the design of Epigram, focusing on types and pattern matching. If types are view as theorems, then pattern matching can be seen as the primary mechanism by which those theorems are proved. In this light, a view over a dependent data type can be seen as an induction principle.} } @Article{empgram-pearl, author = {James McKinna and Joel Wright}, title = {A type-correct, stack-safe, provably correct, expression compiler in Epigram}, journal = {Journal of Functional Programming}, year = 2006, month = July, note = {submitted}, url = {epigram-pearl.pdf}, code = {epigram-perl.epi}, abstract = {This functional pearl demonstrated programming with dependent types in Epigram. A simple expression compiler is developed in which the type preservation and progress theorems are provable within the system.} } @Misc{epigram-notes, author = {Conor McBride}, title = {Epigram: Practical programming with dependent types}, url = {epigram-notes.pdf}, abstract = {An Epigram tutorial} } @Misc{epigram-system, author = {Conor McBride}, title = {The Epigram Prototype: a nod and two winks}, month = April, year = 2005, url = {epigram-notes.pdf}, abstract = {A manual for the Epigram system} }