Input and output for Pilot Data Base conversion

Reading a Pilot database pretty much requires random access, so we read the entire thing into a Text and take it from there. Writing it, on the other hand, can be done sequentially (provided we're willing to make two passes), so we just use an ordinary file.


A Text is a string possibly containing zeroes, plus a ``current pointer'' that marks a position to read from. It's often useful to check how many characters have been read or remain to be read.

<header>= (U->) [D->]
typedef struct text {
  char *chars;                  /* pointer to entire text */
  unsigned len;                 /* number of characters in text */
  unsigned char *p;             /* current pointer (changed by i/o) */
} Text;
#define chars_used(T)      ((char *)(T)->p - (T)->chars)
#define chars_remaining(T) ((T)->len - chars_used(T))
Defines chars_remaining, chars_used, Text (links are to index).

You can build a Text by reading in an entire file, or by giving a buffer and length.

<header>+= (U->) [<-D->]
#include <stdio.h>
extern Text readfile(FILE *fp); /* read all chars left in file */
extern Text text(char *chars, unsigned len); /* create a new one */

I/O functions have to modify the current pointer, so they work on a pointer to a text. All of them arrange to call the iofail macro if the Text is exhausted. iofail is a macro so it can give the source location of the offending read.

<header>+= (U->) [<-D->]
#include <stdlib.h>
#define iofail(T,N) \
  ((void)(chars_remaining(T) >= (N) ? 0 : \
      (fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: exhausted character buffer\n",__FILE__, __LINE__), \
       abort(), 0)))
#define get_byte(T)  (iofail(T,1), *(T)->p++)
#define get_short(T) (io_btmp = get_byte(T),  io_btmp <<  8 | get_byte(T))
#define get_long(T)  (io_stmp = get_short(T), io_stmp << 16 | get_short(T))
#define get_chars(D,S,N) (iofail(S,N),get_charsf(D,S,N))
#define get_array(A,T) get_chars(A,T,sizeof(A))
extern void get_charsf(void *dst, Text *src, int n);

#define put_byte(F, N) (putc(N, F) != EOF ? (int)(unsigned char)(N) : (assert(0), EOF))
extern void put_short(FILE *, unsigned short);
extern void put_long (FILE *, unsigned long);
extern void put_chars(FILE *dst, void *src, int n);
#define put_block(DST, SRC) put_chars(DST, SRC, sizeof(SRC))
Defines get_array, get_byte, get_chars, get_long, get_short, iofail, put_block, put_byte (links are to index).

The macros use the byte order of the Pilot (big-endian), regardless of the byte order of the host machine. These two temporaries are used to simplify ordering:

<header>+= (U->) [<-D]
/* temps for macros */
extern unsigned char  io_btmp;
extern unsigned short io_stmp;


#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>

Standard creation.

<functions>= (<-U) [D->]
Text text(char *chars, unsigned len) {
  Text t;
  t.chars = chars;
  t.len = len;
  t.p = (unsigned char *)chars;
  return t;
Defines text (links are to index).

Read an entire file. Note we always leave one unused character at the end of a buffer, in case it's ever necessary to plop a zero there using the pushchar trick.

<functions>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
Text readfile(FILE *fp) {
  int c;
  int n = 4096;
  char *buf = malloc(n), *p;
  for (p = buf; (c = getc(fp)) != EOF; ) {
    if (p - buf == n - 1) {<double buf>}
    *p++ = c;
  if (!feof(fp)) {
    perror("Error reading reading file"); 
  return text(buf, p-buf);
Defines readfile (links are to index).

<double buf>= (<-U)
{ int i = p - buf;
  buf = realloc(buf, n = 2 * n);
  p = buf + i;

The Pilot is big-endian. This code will work on all machines. These are functions, not macros, to guarantee not to evaluate n twice.

<functions>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
unsigned char  io_btmp;
unsigned short io_stmp;
void put_short(FILE *t, unsigned short n) {
  put_byte(t, (n >> 8) & 0xff);
  put_byte(t, n & 0xff);
void put_long(FILE *t, unsigned long n) {
  put_short(t, (n >> 16) & 0xffff);
  put_short(t, n & 0xffff);
Defines io_btmp, io_stmp, put_long, put_short (links are to index).

<functions>+= (<-U) [<-D]
extern void get_charsf(void *dst, Text *src, int n) {
  assert((char *)src->p + n <= src->chars + src->len);
  memcpy(dst, src->p, n);
  src->p += n;
void put_chars(FILE *dst, void *src, int n) {
  int rc =fwrite(src, 1, n, dst);
  if (ferror(dst)) {
    perror("Error occurred writing binary file");
  assert(rc == n);

Defines put_chars (links are to index).