Visiting every term of an expression

expwalk suspends every result of applying f to each node in a bottom-up tree walk.
<*>= [D->]
procedure expwalk(e, f, closure[])
  suspend do_expwalk(e, f, closure)

procedure do_expwalk(e, f, closure)
  suspend case type(e) of {
           <cases for do_expwalk>
           default : impossible("expression type in expression walking")
          } | f ! ([e] ||| closure)
Defines do_expwalk, expwalk (links are to index).

<cases for do_expwalk>= (<-U) [D->]
"pattern"         : do_expwalk(!e.disjuncts, f, closure)
"disjunct"        : do_expwalk(!\e.conditions | !e.sequents, f, closure)
"adisjunct"       : do_expwalk(!\e.conditions | !e.aconstraints, f, closure)
"sequent"         : do_expwalk(!e.constraints, f, closure)
"dots_sequent"    : &fail
"patlabel"        : &fail

e.instance can be null when a pattern label is ``vanishing,'' and we wouldn't want to walk a null.

<cases for do_expwalk>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"latent_patlabel" : do_expwalk((vanishing_latent_patlabel ~=== e).instance, f, closure)
"constraint"      : do_expwalk(e.field, f, closure)
"fieldbinding"    : do_expwalk(e.code | e.field, f, closure)
"absolute_field"  : do_expwalk(e.field, f, closure)
"field"           : &fail
<cases for do_expwalk>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"list" | "set"    : do_expwalk(!e, f, closure)
"eqn"             : do_expwalk(e.left | e.right, f, closure)
"table"           : do_expwalk(key(e), f, closure)
<cases for do_expwalk>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Eorb" | "Eand"   : do_expwalk(e.x | e.y, f, closure)
"Eslice" | "Eshift" | "Enarrowu" | "Enarrows" | "Ewiden" | 
"Ediv" | "Emod" | "Semit" | "Stoken" | "Efitsu" | "Efitss" | 
  "Einstance_input" | "Einstance_tagged" :
                    do_expwalk(e.x, f, closure) 
"Epatlabel"       : do_expwalk(e.l, f, closure)
"Eforce" | "Eforceable" | "Enot" | "Enosimp" | "Sstmts" : 
                    do_expwalk(e.x, f, closure) 
"Epc" | "Epc_known" : &fail
"Einstance"       : do_expwalk(!e.argt, f, closure)
"Ebinding_instance" : do_expwalk(, f, closure)
"Eapp"            : do_expwalk(!e.args, f, closure)
"Eclosure_loc"  : &fail
"Eclosure_addr" : &fail
"Eclosure_val"  : &fail
<cases for do_expwalk>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Sif"             : do_expwalk(!e.arms, f, closure)
"Sguarded"        : do_expwalk(e.guard | e.x, f, closure)
"Sepsilon"        : &fail
"Stagcase"        : do_expwalk(e.x | !e.arms, f, closure)
"Sfail"           : &fail
"integer" | "string" | "literal" : &fail
"Efail"           : &fail
"Sclosure"        : do_expwalk(e.disjunct | \e.conditions | \e.creation, f, closure)
<cases for do_expwalk>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"balance"         : do_expwalk(e.left | e.right, f, closure)
"balitem"         : do_expwalk(e.v | e.value, f, closure)
<cases for do_expwalk>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Glines"          : &fail
"Gresynch"        : &fail
"Gblock"          : do_expwalk(!e.decls | !e.stmts, f, closure)
"Gdecl"           : do_expwalk(e.init, f, closure)
"Gcase"           : do_expwalk(e.x | !e.arms, f, closure)
"Gcasearm"        : do_expwalk(e.x, f, closure)
"Ginrange"        : do_expwalk(e.x, f, closure)
"Gsetname"        : &fail
"Gnomatch"        : &fail
"Gasgn"           : do_expwalk(e.x, f, closure)
"Tunsigned"       : &fail
"Gcomment"        : &fail
"Gcommented"      : do_expwalk(e.e, f, closure)
<cases for do_expwalk>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"inject"          : do_expwalk(\e.pattern | \e.integer, f, closure)
<cases for do_expwalk>+= (<-U) [<-D]
"Eclosure" : do_expwalk(!e.values | !e.addresses, f, closure)
"Elambda"  : do_expwalk(e.body, f, closure)

Generalized substitution

<*>+= [<-D->]
procedure gsubst(e, f, closure[])
  return do_gsubst(e, f, closure)

procedure do_gsubst(e, f, closure)
  local args
  return f ! ([e] ||| closure) |
         case type(e) of {
           <cases for do_gsubst>
           default : impossible("expression type in generalized substition")

procedure do_gsubst_children(e, f, closure)
  local args
  return case type(e) of {
           <cases for do_gsubst>
           default : impossible("expression type in generalized substition")
Defines do_gsubst, do_gsubst_children, gsubst (links are to index).

<*>+= [<-D->]
procedure maplistn(f, l, closure)
  local result, x
  result := []
  every x := !l do
    put(result, f ! ([x] ||| closure) | fail)
  return result
Defines maplistn (links are to index).

<cases for do_gsubst>= (<-U) [D->]
"pattern"  : if l := maplistn(do_gsubst, e.disjuncts, [f, closure]) & 
                lists_match(l, e.disjuncts) then e else {
                  ll := []; 
                  every d := !l do 
                    if not member(\d.conditions, 0) then put(ll, d)
"disjunct" : { fclosure := [f, closure]
               c := do_gsubst_conditions(e.conditions, f, closure)
               s := []  # this code vanishes dead latent pattern labels
               every x := do_gsubst(!e.sequents, f, closure) do
                 put(s, vanishing_latent_patlabel ~=== x)
               if lists_match(s, e.sequents) & c === e.conditions then
                 disjunct(s,, c)
<*>+= [<-D->]
procedure do_gsubst_conditions(e, f, closure)
  if \(c := e) then {
     c := set(); 
     every insert_condition(c, do_gsubst(!e, f, closure))
     if sets_match(c, e) then c := e
  return c

procedure gsubst_conditions(e, f, closure[])
  return do_gsubst_conditions(e, f, closure)
Defines do_gsubst_conditions, gsubst_conditions (links are to index).

<cases for do_gsubst>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"adisjunct" : { 
               if \(c := e.conditions) then {
                 c := set(); 
                 every insert_condition(c, do_gsubst(!e.conditions, f, closure))
                 if sets_match(c, e.conditions) then c := e.conditions
               if \(p := e.patlabelbindings) then
                 p := do_gsubst_values_in_table(p, f, closure)
               s := maplistn(do_gsubst, e.aconstraints, [f, closure])
               if lists_match(s, e.aconstraints) & c === e.conditions &
                  p === e.patlabelbindings 
                 adisjunct(s,, c, e.length, p)
"sequent"  : if l := maplistn(do_gsubst, e.constraints, [f, closure]) & 
                lists_match(l, e.constraints) then e else sequent(l, e.class)

<cases for do_gsubst>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"patlabel"        : e
"latent_patlabel" : if (x := do_gsubst(e.instance, f, closure)) === e.instance then e
                    else latent_patlabel(x)
"dots_sequent" : e
"constraint"   : e
"fieldbinding" : if (x := do_gsubst(e.code, f, closure)) === e.code then e 
                 else fieldbinding(e.field, x)
"absolute_field" : e
<cases for do_gsubst>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"list"       : if lists_match(l := maplistn(do_gsubst, e, [f, closure]), e) then e else l
"eqn"        : if l := do_gsubst(e.left, f, closure) & 
                  r := do_gsubst(e.right, f, closure) &
                  l === e.left & r === e.right then e else eqn(l, e.op, r)
"table"      : if (t := do_gsubst_sumprod_table(e, f, closure)) === e then e else t
"set"        : {s := set()
                every insert(s, do_gsubst(!e, f, closure))
                if x := !s & not member(e, x) then s else e
"string"     : e
"literal"    : e
"integer"    : e
"null"       : e
<cases for do_gsubst>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Eorb"       : if x := do_gsubst(e.x, f, closure) & y := do_gsubst(e.y, f, closure) &
                  x === e.x & y === e.y then e else Eorb(x, y)
"Eand"       : if x := do_gsubst(e.x, f, closure) & y := do_gsubst(e.y, f, closure) &
                  x === e.x & y === e.y then e else Eand(x, y)
"Eslice"     : if (x := do_gsubst(e.x, f, closure)) === e.x then e 
               else Eslice(x, e.lo, e.n)
"Eshift"     : if (x := do_gsubst(e.x, f, closure)) === e.x then e else Eshift(x, e.n)
"Enarrowu"   : if (x := do_gsubst(e.x, f, closure)) === e.x then e else Enarrowu(x, e.n)
"Enarrows"   : if (x := do_gsubst(e.x, f, closure)) === e.x then e else Enarrows(x, e.n)
"Ewiden"     : if (x := do_gsubst(e.x, f, closure)) === e.x then e else Ewiden(x, e.n)
"Ediv"       : if (x := do_gsubst(e.x, f, closure)) === e.x then e else Ediv(x, e.n)
"Emod"       : if (x := do_gsubst(e.x, f, closure)) === e.x then e else Emod(x, e.n)
"Efitsu"     : if (x := do_gsubst(e.x, f, closure)) === e.x then e else Efitsu(x, e.n)
"Efitss"     : if (x := do_gsubst(e.x, f, closure)) === e.x then e else Efitss(x, e.n)
"Epatlabel"  : if (l := do_gsubst(e.l, f, closure)) === e.l then e else Epatlabel(l)
"Eforce"     : if (x := do_gsubst(e.x, f, closure)) === e.x then e else Eforce(x)
"Eforceable" : if (x := do_gsubst(e.x, f, closure)) === e.x then e else Eforceable(x)
"Epc" | "Epc_known" : e
"Enot"       : if (x := do_gsubst(e.x, f, closure)) === e.x then e else Enot(x)
"Enosimp"    : if (x := do_gsubst(e.x, f, closure)) === e.x then e else Enosimp(x)
"Sstmts"     : if (x := do_gsubst(e.x, f, closure)) === e.x then e else Sstmts(x)
"Semit"      : if (x := do_gsubst(e.x, f, closure)) === e.x then e else Semit(x)
"Stoken"     : if (x := do_gsubst(e.x, f, closure)) === e.x then e 
               else Stoken(x, e.n, e.offset)

<cases for do_gsubst>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Einstance"  :  e # suppress warning --- will confuse users
                  # --- and we do this with eliminate_instances now
                  # { warning("escaping Einstance: ", expimage(e)); e}
"Ebinding_instance" : e
"Einstance_input" :
  if (x := do_gsubst(e.x, f, closure)) === e.x then e 
  else Einstance_input(x, e.cons,
"Einstance_tagged" :   
  if (x := do_gsubst(e.x, f, closure)) === e.x then e 
  else Einstance_tagged(x, e.cons, e.uid)
<cases for do_gsubst>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Eapp"  : 
  if (args := do_gsubst(e.args, f, closure)) === e.args then e else Eapp(e.f, args)
"Eclosure_loc"  : e
"Eclosure_addr" : e
"Eclosure_val"  : e
<cases for do_gsubst>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Sif"      : if (arms := do_gsubst(e.arms, f, closure)) === e.arms then e 
             else Sif(arms)
"Sguarded" : if (guard := do_gsubst(e.guard, f, closure), 
                 x := do_gsubst(e.x, f, closure),
                 guard === e.guard, x === e.x) then e 
             else Sguarded(guard, x)
"Sepsilon" : e
"Sfail" : e
"Stagcase" : if (arms := do_gsubst_vals(e.arms, f, closure), 
                 x := do_gsubst(e.x, f, closure),
                 arms === e.arms, x === e.x) then e
             else {
write(&errout, "TAGCASE: ", expimage(e.x))
write(&errout, "TAGCASE: ", expimage(e.arms))
write(&errout, "TAGCASE: ", expimage(x))
write(&errout, "TAGCASE: ", expimage(arms))
             Stagcase(x, e.type, arms)
"Efail"    : e
<cases for do_gsubst>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"balance"  : if l := do_gsubst(e.left, f, closure) & 
                r := do_gsubst(e.right, f, closure) &
                l === e.left & r === e.right then e else balance(l, r)
"balitem"  : if l := do_gsubst(e.v, f, closure) & 
                r := do_gsubst(e.value, f, closure) &
                l === e.v & r === e.value then e else balitem(l, r)
<cases for do_gsubst>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"Glines"    : e
"Gresynch"  : e
"Gblock"    : if (decls := do_gsubst(e.decls, f, closure),
                  stmts := do_gsubst(e.stmts, f, closure),
                  decls === e.decls, stmts === e.stmts) then e 
              else Gblock(decls, stmts)
"Gdecl"     : if (init := do_gsubst(e.init, f, closure)) === e.init then e 
              else Gdecl(, e.type, init)
"Gcase"     : if (x := do_gsubst(e.x, f, closure), arms := do_gsubst(e.arms, f, closure),
                  x === e.x, arms === e.arms) then e 
              else Gcase(x, arms)
"Gcasearm"  : if (x := do_gsubst(e.x, f, closure)) === e.x then e 
              else Gcasearm(e.tags, x)
"Ginrange"  : if (x := do_gsubst(e.x, f, closure)) === e.x then e 
              else Ginrange(e.lo, x, e.hi)
"Gsetname"  : e
"Gnomatch"  : e
"Gasgn"     : if (x := do_gsubst(e.x, f, closure)) === e.x then e 
              else Gasgn(e.lhs, x)
"Tunsigned" : e
"Gcomment"  : e
"Gcommented": if (x := do_gsubst(e.e, f, closure)) === e.e then e 
              else Gcommented(x, e.comment)
<cases for do_gsubst>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
"inject"    : if (p := do_gsubst(\e.pattern, f, closure) | &null, 
                  i := do_gsubst(\e.integer, f, closure) | &null, 
                  p === e.pattern, i === e.integer) then e 
              else inject(p, i, e.consop)
<cases for do_gsubst>+= (<-U) [<-D]
"Eclosure" : if (v := do_gsubst(e.values, f, closure),
                 a := do_gsubst(e.addresses, f, closure),
                 v === e.values, a === e.addresses)
             then e
             else Eclosure(e.ty,, e.headertype, v, a)
"Elambda"  : if (x := do_gsubst(e.body, f, closure)) === e.body then e
             else Elambda(e.formals, x)

Making a new ``sum of products'' table involves substituting all the keys. The only trick comes in when one of the new keys is itself a table. In that case, we have a sum of terms in which one of the terms is itself a sum of terms, and by distributing the outer coefficient over the inner terms, we can wind up with a single sum (that is, a single table). Using +:= to assign the coefficients makes it all work like magic, even when substitution causes duplicate keys.

<*>+= [<-D->]
procedure do_gsubst_sumprod_table(e, f, closure)
  t := table(0)
  every k := key(e) & kk := do_gsubst(k, f, closure) do
    add_to_table(t, kk, e[k])
  every k := key(t) & t[k] = 0 do delete(t, k) # delete zeroes
  return if tables_match(e, t) then e else t
Defines do_gsubst_sumprod_table (links are to index).

<*>+= [<-D->]
procedure insert_condition(s, c)
  if c ~=== 1 & not exps_eq(c, !s) then insert(s, c)
  return s
Defines insert_condition (links are to index).

<*>+= [<-D->]
procedure add_to_table(t, k, multiplier)
  case type(k) of {
    "table"   : every v := key(k) do t[v] +:= k[v] * multiplier
    "integer" : t[1] +:= k * multiplier
    default   : t[k] +:= multiplier
  return t
Defines add_to_table (links are to index).

<*>+= [<-D->]
procedure lists_match(l1, l2)
  if n := *l1 = *l2 then
    if l1[i := 1 to n] ~=== l2[i] then fail
    else return l2
  else fail
Defines lists_match (links are to index).

<*>+= [<-D->]
procedure sets_match(s1, s2)
  if n := *s1 = *s2 then {
    s := set()
    every insert(s, expimage(!s1 | !s2))
    if *s = n then return s1 else fail
  } else fail
Defines sets_match (links are to index).

<*>+= [<-D]
procedure tables_match(t1, t2)
  if k := key(t1 | t2) & t1[k] ~= t2[k] then fail else return t1
Defines tables_match (links are to index).