
Routines for producing ASCII and "dag" representations of patterns and decision trees.
<*>= [D->]
global equivclasses, symtab

procedure outspec(file)
    every c := !equivclasses do {
        writes(file, "fields(", c.size, ") ")
        every f := !c.fields do writes(file, fieldimage(f))
    outpatterndefs(file, w := set())
    every c := kept_constructors() do
      write(file, "constructor ", c.name, " ", outinputs(c), 
            " : " || (instructionctype ~=== c.type).name | "")
    write(file, "%%")
Defines equivclasses, outspec, symtab (links are to index).

<*>+= [<-D->]
procedure outinputs(cons)
  s := "("
  p := ""
  every i := inputs_of(cons) do {
    s ||:= p || i.name
    p := ", "
  return s || ")"
Defines outinputs (links are to index).

<*>+= [<-D->]
procedure fieldimage(f) 
    return f.name || " " || f.lo || ":" || f.hi || " "
Defines fieldimage (links are to index).

<*>+= [<-D->]
procedure outpatterndefs(file, written)
    /written := patnames()
    pats := sort(symtab)
    # first do patterns that don't depend on other patterns, then catch as catch can
    every pair := !pats & name := pair[1] & p := pair[2] & type(p) == "pattern" do {
        if not ((!p.disjuncts).name ~== name) then # doesn't depend on others
            outpatterndef(file, name, p, written)
    every pair := !pats & type(pair[2]) == "pattern" do
        outpatterndef(file, pair[1], pair[2], written)
Defines outpatterndefs (links are to index).

<*>+= [<-D->]
procedure outpatterndef(file, name, p, written)
    if not member(written, name) then {
        every d := !p.disjuncts & name ~== \d.name do 
            outpatterndef(file, d.name, lookup(d.name), written)
        writes(file, "pattern ", name, " : ")
        write(file, patternimage(p, written))
        insert(written, name)
Defines outpatterndef (links are to index).

<*>+= [<-D->]
procedure outpattern(file, p, written)
    /written := patnames()
    return writes(file, patternimage(p, written))
Defines outpattern (links are to index).

<*>+= [<-D->]
procedure patnames()
  static s
  initial { s := set(); every insert(s, key(symtab)) } # cheat
  return s
Defines patnames (links are to index).

<*>+= [<-D->]
procedure patternimage(p, written)
    /written := emptyset
    return if member(written, p.name) then # temporary hack
    else {
        l := []; every put(l, disjunctimage(!p.disjuncts, p.name))
        if *l > 0 then commaseparate(l, " | ") else "<NOMATCH>"
Defines patternimage (links are to index).

<*>+= [<-D->]
link commafy
<*>+= [<-D->]
procedure disjunctimage(d, name)
    return if \name == \d.name | /d.name then
        case type(d) of {
            "disjunct" : sequenceimage(d.sequents)
            "adisjunct" : 
               if adalwaysmatches(d) then "<ELSE>"
               else commaseparate(maplist(constraintimage, d.aconstraints), " & ")
            default : impossible("disjunct type")
Defines disjunctimage (links are to index).

<*>+= [<-D->]
procedure sequenceimage(l)
  return if *l = 0 then "<EPSILON>"
         else if l[1] === dots then "... " || sequenceimage(l[2:0])
         else if l[-1] === dots then sequenceimage(l[1:-1]) || " ..."
         else commaseparate(maplist(sequentimage, l), "; ")
Defines sequenceimage (links are to index).

<*>+= [<-D->]
procedure sequentimage(s)
  return if s === dots then impossible("image of dots")
         else if type(s) == ("patlabel" | "latent_patlabel") then expimage(s)
         else if *s.constraints = 0 then "<Impossible ELSE?>"
         else commaseparate(maplist(constraintimage, s.constraints), " & ")
Defines sequentimage (links are to index).

<*>+= [<-D->]
procedure constraintimage(c)
    local bitcount
    s := ""
    case type(c) of {
    "constraint": {
        bitcount := fieldbitcount(c.field)
        if c.lo + 1 = c.hi then
            s ||:= patimage(c.field) || " == " || c.lo
        else if c.lo = 0 & c.hi = 2^bitcount then
            s ||:= "<ANY " || bitcount || "-bit " || patimage(c.field)|| ">"
        else if c.lo >= c.hi then
            s ||:= "<IMPOSSIBLE " || patimage(c.field) || ">"
        else {
            if c.lo > 0 then s ||:= patimage(c.field) || " >= " || c.lo
            if c.lo > 0 & c.hi < 2^bitcount then s ||:= " & "
            if            c.hi < 2^bitcount then 
                        s ||:=  patimage(c.field) || " < " || c.hi
    "fieldbinding" : s ||:= patimage(c.field) || " = " || image(c.code)
    default : impossible("constraint type")
    return s
Defines constraintimage (links are to index).

<*>+= [<-D->]
procedure fieldbitcount(f)
   return case type(f) of {
     "absolute_field" : fieldbitcount(f.field)
     "field" : fwidth(f)
     default : impossible("field type")
Defines fieldbitcount (links are to index).

<*>+= [<-D->]
procedure patimage(v)
    return case type(v) of {
        "list" | "set" :  "[" || commaseparate(maplist(patimage, v)) || "]"
        "matching_stmt" : "MATCH " || patimage(v.arms) || "ENDMATCH"
        "arm" : image(v.file) || ", line " || string(v.line) || ": " ||
                       patimage(v.pattern) || " => " || v.code
        "pattern" : commaseparate(maplist(patimage, v.disjuncts), " | ")
        "disjunct" : if *v.sequents = 0 then "epsilon"
                     else commaseparate(maplist(patimage, v.sequents), "; ")
        "adisjunct": if *v.aconstraints = 0 then "<MATCH>"
                     else commaseparate(maplist(patimage, v.aconstraints), " & ")
        "sequent" : if *v.constraints = 0 then "some " || v.class.name
                    else commaseparate(maplist(patimage, v.constraints), " & ")
        "constraint" : stringininterval(patimage(v.field), v.lo, v.hi)
        "fieldbinding" : patimage(v.field) || " = " || image(v.code)
        "field" : v.name
        "absolute_field" : "{" || patimage(v.field) || " at " || v.offset || "}"
        default : image(v)
Defines patimage (links are to index).

<*>+= [<-D->]
procedure stringininterval(name, lo, hi)
    local r, result
    if type(lo) == "set" then {
        r := sort(lo ++ hi)
        if *r = 0 then return "<EMPTY RANGE??>"
        result := "( " ; result ||:= stringininterval(name, get(r), get(r))
        while result ||:= " | " || stringininterval(name, get(r), get(r))
        return result || " )"
    } else if lo + 1 = hi then return name || " == " || fnum(lo)
    else return fnum(lo) || " <= " || name || "  < " || fnum(hi)
Defines stringininterval (links are to index).

<*>+= [<-D->]
procedure fnum(n)
    n := string(n) | impossible("format")
    if *n < 2 then n := right(n, 2)
    return n
Defines fnum (links are to index).

Writing trees in ascii format

<*>+= [<-D->]
procedure outtree(file, n, prefix, shownode)
  if /prefix then write(file, "TREE ", image(n.name))
  else write(image(n.name))
  if *n.children > 0 then {
    span := *patimage(n.field) + 14
    every e := !n.children do
      outtree(file, e.node, (\prefix || " & " | "  ") \ 1 || 
        right(stringininterval(patimage(n.field), e.lo, e.hi),span), shownode)
  } else {
    if *n.cs.arms = 0 then write(file, \prefix | "  ", " : NO MATCH")
      every write(file, (\prefix | "  ANY?  ")\1, " : ", expimage(!n.cs.arms))
  if /prefix then write(file, "END TREE\n")
Defines outtree (links are to index).

Writing trees and dags in dot(1) format

<*>+= [<-D->]
global pagesize
procedure dotouttree(file, root)
    write(file, "digraph decisions {")    
    write(file, "  page=", image(pagesize), ";")
    write(file, "  ratio=compress;")
    dotoutnode(file, root, table(), create(seq()))
    write(file, "}")

procedure dotoutnode(file, n, known, number)
    if /known[n] then {
        if *n.children > 0 then {
            if alt := alternates(n) then {
                writes(file, "N", known[n] := @number, " [label=\"")
                every i := 1 to *alt.constraints do {
                   if i > 1 then writes(file, ",")
                   writes(file, alt.constraints[i].field.field.name)
                   writes(file, "@", 0 < alt.constraints[i].field.offset)
                write(file, "\"];")
                every dotoutnode(file, alt.thennode | alt.elsenode, known, number)
                <make s a label string for alt.constraints>
                write(file, "N", known[n], " -> N", known[alt.thennode], " [label=",
                             image(s), "];")
                write(file, "N", known[n], " -> N", known[alt.elsenode], 
                            " [label=\"else\"];")
            } else {
                write(file, "N", known[n] := @number,
                            " [label=\"", n.field.field.name, 
                            "@" || (0 < n.field.offset) | "", "\"];")
                every e := !n.children do {
                    dotoutnode(file, e.node, known, number)
                    r := sort(e.lo ++ e.hi)
                    lo := get(r) & hi := get(r)
                    s := ""
                    s ||:= if lo+1 = hi then lo else lo || "-" || (hi - 1)
                    while lo := get(r) & hi := get(r) do
                      s ||:= ", " || if lo+1 = hi then lo else lo || "-" || (hi - 1)
                    write(file, "N", known[n], " -> N", known[e.node], " [label=",
                          image(commaseparate(split10(s), "\n")), "];")
        } else if *n.cs.arms = 0 then 
            write(file, "N", known[n] := @number, " [label=", image("NO MATCH"), "];")
        else { 
            writes(file, "N", known[n] := @number, " [label=\"")
#           outpattern(file, n.cs.arms[1].original.pattern)
            writes(file, \n.cs.arms[1].original.pattern.name | 
                        "[" || n.cs.arms[1].original.line || "]")
            write(file, "\"];")
Defines dotoutnode, dotouttree, pagesize (links are to index).

<make s a label string for alt.constraints>= (<-U)
s := ""
every i := 1 to *alt.constraints do {
   if i > 1 then s ||:= ","
   c := alt.constraints[i]
   if *c.lo > 1 then s ||:= "..."
   else if ?c.lo + 1 = ?c.hi then s ||:= ?c.lo
   else s ||:= ?c.lo || "-" || (?c.hi - 1)
s := split10(s)
<*>+= [<-D]
procedure split10(s)
  static N
  local k
  initial N := 18  
  if *s > N & find(", ", s) <= N then {
     every k := N >= find(", ", s)
     return s[1:k+1] || "\n" || split10(s[k+2:0]) # keep comma, drop space 
  } else {
    return s
Defines split10 (links are to index).