

The pattern code is parameterized in an odd way. The reason is that there are four variations on patterns.

This table summarizes the uses of the different kinds of patterns.
TypeContextActual labelsLatent labels
Latentcons. RHSno(converted to PC-relative)yes(per disjunct, for each operand of constructor type)
Labelledmatchingyes(become label bindings)yes(become actual or vanish)

This diagram shows transitions between different forms of patterns.

[GIF derived from PostScript figure pats.eps]

signature PATTERN = sig
  structure Exp : EXP_SET
  type pattern
  <exported identifiers>

signature ABSOLUTE_PATTERN = sig
  structure Exp : EXP_SET
  type pattern
  type proto_pattern
  val epsilon : pattern
  val constraint : int -> Field.absolute_field * Relop.relop * int -> pattern 
                                        (* first argument is total pattern length *)
  val andp : pattern list -> pattern

signature PATTERNS = sig
  <exported common identifiers>
  structure Pure     : PATTERN 
     where type pattern = field constraints            sequence disjunct' pattern'
  structure Labelled : PATTERN 
     where type pattern = (field, label) cons_or_label sequence disjunct' pattern'
  structure Latent : PATTERN
     where type pattern = (field, latent) cons_or_label sequence disjunct' pattern'
  structure Absolute : ABSOLUTE_PATTERN
     where type pattern = absolute_disjunct pattern' 
     where type proto_pattern = 
                   (absolute_disjunct * absolute_field field_binding' list) pattern'

  sharing Exp = Pure.Exp = Labelled.Exp = Latent.Exp = Absolute.Exp

  val actualLabel : string  -> Labelled.pattern
  val latentLabel : Exp.exp -> Latent.pattern

  val makeLabelsPCrelative : Labelled.pattern -> Latent.pattern
  val purify               : Labelled.pattern -> Pure.pattern
  val anf                  : Labelled.pattern -> Absolute.proto_pattern

  val injectPure           : Pure.pattern   -> Labelled.pattern
  val injectLatent         : Latent.pattern -> Labelled.pattern
  val dropLatents          : Latent.pattern -> Pure.pattern

  val actualizeLatents     : {actualsOK : bool} -> Labelled.pattern -> Labelled.pattern
    (* in some contents, latents must disappear.  
       actualsOK is true iff they can legitimately become actual *)
Defines Absolute, ABSOLUTE_PATTERN, actualizeLatents, actualLabel, andp, anf, constraint, dropLatents, epsilon, Exp, injectLatent, injectPure, Labelled, Latent, latentLabel, makeLabelsPCrelative, pattern, PATTERN, PATTERNS, proto_pattern, Pure, purify (links are to index).

Semantics, constructors, and mutators

Patterns are built up from constraints by applying ;, & and | (sequence, conjunction and disjunction), and are represented in disjunctive normal form. A constraint restricts a field's value to be within a certain interval: lo <=f < hi. Patterns consisting solely of constraints are created with conspat, which relates a field to a value. The only relational operators now supported are equality and inequality, but others could easily be added by adding cases to conspat.

A field f is that part of a word from bits f.lo through bits f.hi-1 inclusive. Notice that this is not the syntax used in the input, which is like what's used in architecture manuals.

If a pattern contains field bindings with free variables, it may have conditions attached to its disjuncts. A condition is an expression over those same free variables.

<field types>= (U-> U-> U->)
type range       = {lo:int, hi:int}
type token_class = {name:string, size:int} (* placeholder?, fields? *)
type field       = {name:string, range:range, class:token_class}
                       (* field is bits lo..hi-1 (note NOT like input) *)
type absolute_field = field * int               (* field at offset *)
Defines absolute_field, field, range, token_class (links are to index).

<shared pattern types>= (U-> U->) [D->]
type 'f field_binding'    = 'f * Exp.exp        (* f = exp *)
type 'f range_constraint' = 'f * range          (* lo <= f < hi *)

type 'f constraints 
 = token_class * 'f field_binding' list * 'f range_constraint' list
       (* invariant: constraints of the same sequent have distinct fields *)

datatype ('f, 'label) cons_or_label 
  = CONSTRAINTS of 'f constraints
  | LABEL of 'label

type latent = Exp.exp
datatype label = ACTUAL of string | LATENT of Exp.exp

(* for the kinds of patterns that have sequents, these are the possiblities *)
datatype possible_sequent = SEQ_CONS   of field constraints
                          | SEQ_ACTUAL of string
                          | SEQ_LATENT of latent

datatype 'a sequence  = SEQ of bool * 'a list * bool        (* booleans show dots *)

datatype 'a disjunct' = DIS of string option * Exp.Set.set * 'a 
                                (* name, conditions, and sequents/constraints *)

datatype 'dis pattern' = PAT of string option * 'dis list  (* (name, disjuncts) *)

type field_binding    = field field_binding'
type range_constraint = field range_constraint'
Defines cons_or_label, constraints, disjunct', field_binding, field_binding', label, latent, pattern', possible_sequent, range_constraint, range_constraint', sequence (links are to index).

It is not locally obvious what word is tested by a range constraint in a pattern; one needs to know the position of the sequent containing the range constraint. Because this question is crucial for handling matching statements, I put the patterns into a new absolute normal form, which is described by the following rules:

  1. Each disjunction contains not a list of sequents but a set of range constraints. (Field bindings get converted to conditions or answers in an arm.)
  2. The range constraints are made ``absolute'' by using an absolute_field in place of a field. The absolute_field gives the bit offset of the word containing the field (its size is available from the field's class).
In support of this scheme, we use ``absolute disjuncts,'' as defined with the other patterns. We have to store the length explicitly in an absolute, because sequents that constrain no fields are lost. The other field of an absolute disjunct binds label names to offsets, which are expressed in bits. Where are field bindings???

<shared pattern types>+= (U-> U->) [<-D]
type absolute_disjunct = ( absolute_field range_constraint' list
                         * {bits:int} 
                                           (* label and constype bindings in bits *)
                         * int                 (* length in bits *)
                         ) disjunct'
Defines absolute_disjunct (links are to index).

For reasons that are not entirely clear, even to myself, I have chosen to split field bindings from range constraints, rather than use a single list of a merged datatype like

datatype 'f constraint' = BIND of 'f field_binding' | RANGE of 'f range_constraint'
The split scheme complicates the implementation of certain invariants, but it should simplify code generation.

There are the pattern constructors, primitive and otherwise. Although the pattern operators operate on lists, they are cooked so that an application to a list containing exactly one element always returns that element, so for any operator xxx, (fn p => xxx[p]) is guaranteed to be the identity function.

<exported identifiers>= (<-U) [D->]
val constraint : Field.field * Relop.relop * Exp.exp -> pattern
val wildcard : Field.token_class -> pattern    (* `some class' *)
val epsilon : pattern

val orp  : pattern list -> pattern
val andp : pattern list -> pattern
val seqp : pattern list -> pattern
val preDots : pattern -> pattern
val postDots : pattern -> pattern
Defines andp, constraint, epsilon, orp, postDots, preDots, seqp, wildcard (links are to index).

We can also name a pattern or add conditions to it.

<exported identifiers>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
val nameByBinding : string * pattern -> pattern
val addConds : Exp.Set.set -> pattern -> pattern
Defines addConds, nameByBinding (links are to index).

nameByBinding names the pattern and its disjuncts if they aren't named already. Actually, the real rule is a little more complicated---if the pattern has a single disjunct, and the disjunct is named, then all the names are replaced by the new name; otherwise, it simply supplies names for whatever parts of pattern and disjuncts aren't named already. I'm not sure where this rule came from originally, but I have copied it faithfully from the Icon version of the toolkit.

<exported identifiers>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
val nameUnnamed : string * pattern -> pattern
Defines nameUnnamed (links are to index).

nameUnnamed implements a simpler rule---it replaces those among the pattern name and the disjunct names that are not already bound. It is used to name the results of a constructor application.

During the specification process, names may be bound to a particular pattern. When that happens, the pattern and its disjuncts are associated with the name, unless they're associated with a name already. (But, in the case where the pattern has exactly one disjunct, the pattern gets a new name regardless.) The names can be referred to by code that appears in case statements.

<internal functions>= (U->) [D->]
fun nameByBinding (name, PAT (oldname, disjuncts)) =
  let fun nameDis (DIS (NONE, x, y)) = DIS (SOME name, x, y)
        | nameDis d = d
  in  case disjuncts
        of [DIS (SOME _, x, y)] => PAT (SOME name, [DIS(SOME name, x, y)])
         | ds  => PAT (case oldname of NONE => SOME name | _ => oldname,
                       map nameDis ds)
Defines nameByBinding (links are to index).

<internal functions>+= (U->) [<-D->]
fun nameUnnamed (name, PAT (oldname, disjuncts)) =
  let fun nameDis (DIS (NONE, x, y)) = DIS (SOME name, x, y)
        | nameDis d = d
  in  PAT (case oldname of NONE => SOME name | _ => oldname,
           map nameDis disjuncts)
Defines nameUnnamed (links are to index).

<internal functions>+= (U->) [<-D->]
fun addConds conds (PAT(name, ds)) =
  let fun add (DIS(name, cs, x)) = DIS(name, Exp.Set.union(conds, cs), x)
  in  PAT(name, map add ds)
Defines addConds (links are to index).

Primitive constructors of patterns

We parameterize over these, because we don't know what kind of field or pattern or what-have-you we might use. The key issue is that we don't know whether a sequent will contain temporary things. We also don't know if we'll have absolute fields.

signature PATTERN_TYPES = sig
  structure Exp : EXP_SET
  <field types>
  <shared pattern types>

signature SEQUENT_BASICS = sig
  structure PatternTypes : PATTERN_TYPES
  type sequent
  val unSequent : sequent -> PatternTypes.possible_sequent
  val mkSequent : PatternTypes.possible_sequent -> sequent
  val cons : PatternTypes.field PatternTypes.constraints -> sequent
Defines cons, Exp, mkSequent, PATTERN_TYPES, PatternTypes, sequent, SEQUENT_BASICS, unSequent (links are to index).

<patbasics.sml>= [D->]
functor PatternTypesFun(Exp : EXP_SET) = struct
  structure Exp = Exp
  open Field
  <shared pattern types>
Defines Exp, PatternTypesFun (links are to index).

<patbasics.sml>+= [<-D]
functor LabelledSequentFun(PatternTypes : PATTERN_TYPES) 
  structure PatternTypes = PatternTypes
  open PatternTypes
  type sequent = (field, label) cons_or_label
  fun mkSequent (SEQ_CONS c)   = CONSTRAINTS c
    | mkSequent (SEQ_ACTUAL l) = LABEL (ACTUAL l)
    | mkSequent (SEQ_LATENT e) = LABEL (LATENT e)
  fun unSequent (CONSTRAINTS c)    = (SEQ_CONS c)  
    | unSequent (LABEL (ACTUAL l)) = (SEQ_ACTUAL l)
    | unSequent (LABEL (LATENT e)) = (SEQ_LATENT e)
  val cons = CONSTRAINTS

functor LatentSequentFun(PatternTypes : PATTERN_TYPES) : SEQUENT_BASICS = 
  structure PatternTypes = PatternTypes
  open PatternTypes
  type sequent = (field, latent) cons_or_label
  fun mkSequent (SEQ_CONS c)   = CONSTRAINTS c
    | mkSequent (SEQ_ACTUAL l) = Impossible.impossible "actual label in latent pattern"
    | mkSequent (SEQ_LATENT e) = LABEL e
  fun unSequent (CONSTRAINTS c) = (SEQ_CONS c)  
    | unSequent (LABEL e)       = (SEQ_LATENT e)
  val cons = CONSTRAINTS

functor PureSequentFun(PatternTypes : PATTERN_TYPES) : SEQUENT_BASICS = 
  structure PatternTypes = PatternTypes
  open PatternTypes
  type sequent = field constraints
  fun mkSequent (SEQ_CONS c)   = c
    | mkSequent (SEQ_ACTUAL l) = Impossible.impossible "actual label in pure pattern"
    | mkSequent (SEQ_LATENT e) = Impossible.impossible "latent label in pure pattern"
  fun unSequent c = SEQ_CONS c
  fun cons c = c
Defines cons, LabelledSequentFun, LatentSequentFun, mkSequent, PatternTypes, PureSequentFun, sequent, unSequent (links are to index).

<internal functions>+= (U->) [<-D->]
fun simpleDisjunct seq = DIS (NONE, Exp.Set.empty, SEQ (false, seq, false))
val epsilon  = nameByBinding("epsilon", PAT (NONE, [simpleDisjunct []])) : pattern
fun seq2p seq = PAT (NONE, [simpleDisjunct seq])
fun c2p (l, class) = seq2p [Seq.cons(class, [], l)] : pattern 
fun wildcard class = c2p ([], class)
fun constraints2pattern (l as ({class,...},_)::t) = c2p(l, class)
  | constraints2pattern l =
       Impossible.impossible "pattern from empty constraint list"
<function addBitsToPC>
type ('a, 'b) exp_folder = (Exp.exp * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b -> 'a
fun foldExps' folder' f zero (PAT(name, ds)) =
  let fun dis (DIS(name, cs, ?), z) = folder' f (Exp.Set.foldl f z cs) ?
  in  foldl dis zero ds
fun foldNothing f zero ? = zero
fun foldExps f = foldExps' foldNothing f
fun foldExps f zero (PAT(name, ds)) =
  let fun dis (DIS(name, cs, (bbs, ccs, labels, patlen)), z) =
        foldl (fn ((field, e), zero) => f(e, zero)) (Exp.Set.foldl f z cs) bbs
  in  foldl dis zero ds
Defines constraints2pattern, c2p, epsilon, exp_folder, foldExps, foldExps', foldNothing, seq2p, simpleDisjunct, wildcard (links are to index).

<internal functions>+= (U->) [<-D->]
val error = Error.error
fun rangeConstraints (f, relop, n) = (* result should be disjoined *)
  let val max = Field.fmax f
      fun range(lo, hi) = [(f, {lo=lo, hi=hi})]
      fun bad relop n =
        Error.errorl ["Impossible constraint ", #name f, " ",relop," ", Int.toString n]
  in  case relop
        of Relop.EQ => range(n, n+1)
         | Relop.LT => if n <= 0 then
                         bad "<" n
                       else if Word.fromInt n >= max then
                         error("Constraint value too large in " ^
                               #name f ^ " < " ^ Int.toString n)
                       else range(0, n)
         | Relop.LE => if n < 0 then
                         bad "<=" n
                       else if Word.fromInt n >= max then
                         error("Constraint value too large in " ^
                               #name f ^ " <= " ^ Int.toString n)
                       else range(0, n+1)
         | Relop.GT => if Word.fromInt (n+1) >= max then
                         bad ">" n
                       else if n < ~1 then
                         error("Constraint value too small in " ^
                               #name f ^ " > " ^ Int.toString n)
                       else range(n+1, Word.toInt max) 
         | Relop.GE => if Word.fromInt n >= max then
                         bad ">=" n
                       else if n < 0 then
                         error("Constraint value too small in " ^
                               #name f ^ " >= " ^ Int.toString n)
                       else range(n, Word.toInt max)
         | Relop.NE => let val gt = range(n+1, Word.toInt max)
                           val lt = range(0, n)
                       in  if n = 0 then gt
                           else if Word.fromInt (n+1) = max then lt
                           else lt @ gt
        handle Overflow =>
          Error.unimp "range constraints spanning more than 31 signed bits"
fun constraint (f, relop, e) =
  let fun static n =
        orp (map (fn c => constraints2pattern [c]) (rangeConstraints(f, relop, n)))
      fun dynamic e =
        case relop of Relop.EQ => seq2p [Seq.cons (#class f, [(f, e)], [])]
                    | _ => error ("can only write " ^ #name f ^ " ?? relop " ^ " e" ^
                                  " when e is an integer literal")
    case Exp.unConst e of SOME n => static n | NONE => dynamic e
Defines constraint, error, rangeConstraints (links are to index).

<absolute constraints and conjunction>= (U->) [D->]
fun constraint len (af as (f, offset), ?, n) =
  let val consl = map (fn (_, range) => (af, range)) (Pure.rangeConstraints (f, ?, n))
      fun dis cons = DIS (NONE, Exp.Set.empty, ([cons], StringMap.empty, len))
  in  PAT(NONE, map dis consl)
Defines constraint (links are to index).

Pattern mutator functions

The mutators &, |, and ;, combine patterns. We define binary operators, and we could define operators on lists by using identities, if identities really existed (they don't, because conjunction and concatenation destroy names).


A pattern specifies a valid decomposition of a sequence of bits, e.g., an instruction. Patterns are combined using the | (or), & (and) and ; (sequence) operators. The disjunction of two patterns specifies that either decomposition specified by each pattern is valid. A sequence of two patterns specifies that the first decomposition must be followed by the second decomposition. A conjunction of two patterns specifies that both decompositions must be valid. All operators are associative, i.e., (A;B);C = A;B;C. The ; operator distributes over the | operator, i.e., (A|B);C = (A;C)|(B;C). The semantics of & are restricted by the definition of a sequent. A sequent denotes a fetch of a given bitsize and a set of tests to apply to the fetched value. The conjunction of two sequents donotes that the decomposition specified by each sequent is valid, and therefore the tests of each sequent must be applied to the same range of bits, i.e., the fetch fields of each sequent must be of equal size. It is fallacious to apply tests over values of unequal sizes.

<mutators>= (<-U) [D->]
fun orpx(PAT (_, d1), PAT(_, d2)) = PAT (NONE, d1 @ d2)
Defines orpx (links are to index).

No substitutions needed for PC-relative goo.

distribute implements the distributive law that shows how conjunction and concatenation distribute over disjunction.

<mutators>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
fun distribute opdd (PAT (_, ds1),  PAT (_, ds2)) =
  let fun opdp (d, disjuncts) = map (fn d2 => opdd(d, d2)) disjuncts
      fun a (h::t, p) = opdp(h,p) @ a(t,p)
          | a ([], p) = []
  in  PAT(NONE, a (ds1, ds2))
Defines distribute (links are to index).

To conjoin conditions, take the set union. To conjoin sequences, merge from the left if neither sequence has a dots there; otherwise merge from the right. Note that conjunction destroys dots. andd conjoins two disjuncts, and we get the same operations on patterns by using the distributive law.

<mutators>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
<manipulating the program counter>
<length functions>
   <definition of merge>
   fun andd (DIS (_, conds1, SEQ(ldots1, seq1, rdots1)), 
             DIS (_, conds2, SEQ(ldots2, seq2, rdots2))) =
    let val (l1, l2) = (bitlength seq1, bitlength seq2)
        val longest = if l1 > l2 then l1 else l2
        val (seq, pos1, pos2) = 
          if ldots1 orelse ldots2 then
            if rdots1 orelse rdots2 then
              <complain about dots>
              (rev(merge(ldots1, ldots2, rev seq1, rev seq2)),
               longest - l1, longest - l2)
            (merge(rdots1, rdots2, seq1, seq2), 0, 0)
      DIS(NONE, Exp.Set.union (addToPC(pos1, conds1), addToPC(pos2, conds2)),
          SEQ (false, seq, false))
  <definition of andpx>

<common functions>= (U->)
<function addBitsToPC>

<function addBitsToPC>= (<-U <-U U->)
fun bitsToPCunits bits =
    let val unit = !GlobalState.pcUnitBits
        val pcs = bits div unit
        val _ = if pcs * unit <> bits then
                  Error.errorl ["Token of size ", Int.toString bits,
                                " is not integral number of ", Int.toString unit,
                                "-bit units used to increment PC"]
                else ()
    in  pcs

fun addBitsToPC 0 = Exp.pc
  | addBitsToPC bits = Exp.add(Exp.pc, Exp.const (bitsToPCunits bits))
Defines addBitsToPC, bitsToPCunits (links are to index).

<manipulating the program counter>= (<-U)
<function addBitsToPC>
fun pcplus 0 = (fn e => e)
  | pcplus bits = Exp.pcSubst (addBitsToPC bits)
fun addToPC (pos, conds) =
  if pos = 0 then conds
  else (pcplus pos) conds
Defines addToPC, pcplus (links are to index).

Useful elsewhere are the abilities to add to the PC and to convert bits to PC units.

<exported common identifiers>= (<-U)
val addBitsToPC : int -> Exp.exp
val bitsToPCunits : int -> int
Defines addBitsToPC, bitsToPCunits (links are to index).

It is desirable to preserve names when patterns are combined with field bindings in pattern-matching statements. Because it's late at night and I'm lazy, I'm making this work in all contexts, not just in matching statements.

<definition of andpx>= (<-U)
<contradiction handling>
fun isFieldBinding (PAT(_, [DIS(_, conds, SEQ(false, [cc], false))])) =
      (case Seq.unSequent cc
         of SEQ_CONS (_,[x],[]) => Exp.Set.isEmpty conds
          | _ => false)
  | isFieldBinding _ = false
fun andpx (p1 as PAT (n1, _), p2 as PAT (n2, _)) = 
  let val p as PAT(patname, ds) = dropContradictoryDisjuncts(distribute andd (p1, p2))
      val keepname = if      isFieldBinding p1 then n2
                     else if isFieldBinding p2 then n1
                     else NONE
  in  case (keepname,patname)
        of (SOME n, NONE) => PAT(SOME n, ds)
         | _ => p
Defines andpx, isFieldBinding (links are to index).

The code above doesn't seem to preserve the original Icon semantics of doing funky things with the names of the disjuncts when keepname is present.

<definition of merge>= (<-U)
<merge functions>
fun merge (dots1, dots2, seq1, seq2) =
  let fun m([],   []) = []
        | m(seq1, []) = if dots2 then seq1
                          else <complain of right seq too short>
        | m([], seq2) = if dots1 then seq2
                          else <complain of left seq too short>
        | m (seq1 as (h1::t1), seq2 as (h2::t2)) =
            case(Seq.unSequent h1, Seq.unSequent h2) 
              of (SEQ_CONS (class1, bb1, cc1), SEQ_CONS (class2, bb2, cc2)) =>
                    if class1 = class2 then
                      let val bb = mergeBindings(bb1, bb2) (*DANGER! new constraints!*)
                          val cc = mergeConstraints(cc1, cc2)
                           Seq.cons(class1, bb, cc) :: m(t1, t2)
                      <complain about class mismatch>
               | (label, SEQ_CONS _) => Seq.mkSequent label :: m(t1, seq2)
               | (_,     label)      => Seq.mkSequent label :: m(seq1, t2)
  in m (seq1, seq2)
Defines merge (links are to index).

<complain of right seq too short>= (<-U)
error "Shapes differ for &; right-hand sequence too short"
<complain of left seq too short>= (<-U)
error "Shapes differ for &; left-hand sequence too short"
<complain about dots>= (<-U)
error "Illegal conjunction; dots on both left and right"
<complain about class mismatch>= (<-U)
error ("Shapes differ for &; left sequent from class `" ^
       #name class1 ^ "'; right sequent from class `" ^ #name class2 ^ "'")

<length functions>= (<-U)
fun bitlength l =
  let fun width (SEQ_CONS({size,...},_,_)) = size
        | width _ = 0
      fun len(h :: t, n) = len(t, n + width (Seq.unSequent h))
        | len([], n) = n
  in  len(l, 0)
Defines bitlength (links are to index).

We make a sequence by concatenating lists of sequents. Inner dots disappear ``automagically,'' since they are just ignored. We forbid concatenating dots with a sequence consisting solely of location bindings; a user who really wants to do something this weird can always intercalate an epsilon.

<mutators>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
<mapping substitution onto sequences>
  fun isLabel s = case Seq.unSequent s of SEQ_CONS _ => false | _ => true
  fun all_locbindings [] = false
    | all_locbindings l = List.all isLabel l
  fun seqd (DIS (_, conds1, SEQ(ldots1, seq1, rdots1)), 
            DIS (_, conds2, SEQ(ldots2, seq2, rdots2))) =
    if rdots1 andalso all_locbindings seq2 then
      error "illegal concatenation `... ; L:'"
    else if ldots2 andalso all_locbindings seq1 then
      error "illegal concatenation `L: ...'"
      let val k = bitlength seq1
      in  DIS (NONE, Exp.Set.union(conds1, addToPC(k, conds2)),
               SEQ(ldots1, seq1 @ (map (mapSeq (pcplus k)) seq2), rdots2))
  fun seqpx x = distribute seqd x  (* watch value restriction *)
Defines all_locbindings, isLabel, seqd, seqpx (links are to index).

Notice that the empty sequence is not all location bindings.

<mapping substitution onto sequences>= (<-U)
fun mapSeq sigma s =
  Seq.mkSequent (
    case Seq.unSequent s 
      of l as SEQ_ACTUAL _ => l
       | SEQ_LATENT e => SEQ_LATENT (sigma e)
       | SEQ_CONS (class, bb, cc) =>
           SEQ_CONS (class, map (fn (f, e) => (f, sigma e)) bb, cc))
val mapSeq : (Exp.exp -> Exp.exp) -> Seq.sequent -> Seq.sequent = mapSeq
  (* Seq.sequent was sequent *)
  (* this rebinding somehow avoids a type error when mapSeq is used in Double *)
Defines mapSeq (links are to index).

<folding expressions over sequences>= (U->)
fun foldSeq f zero s =
  case Seq.unSequent s 
    of SEQ_ACTUAL l => zero
     | SEQ_LATENT e => f(e, zero)
     | SEQ_CONS (class, bb, cc) => foldl (fn ((_, e), zero) => f(e, zero)) zero bb
Defines foldSeq (links are to index).

The ellipsis is also a mutator.

<internal functions>+= (U->) [<-D->]
  fun pre  (DIS(name, conds, SEQ(pre,  seq, post))) =
           (DIS(name, conds, SEQ(true, seq, post))) 
  fun post (DIS(name, conds, SEQ(pre,  seq, post))) =
           (DIS(name, conds, SEQ(pre,  seq, true))) 
  fun preDots  (PAT(n, ds)) = PAT(n, map pre  ds)
  fun postDots (PAT(n, ds)) = PAT(n, map post ds)
Defines post, postDots, pre, preDots (links are to index).

Only disjunction really has an identity, so we don't use identities at all.

<mutators>+= (<-U) [<-D]
fun patfold f [x] = x
  | patfold f (h::t) = f(h, patfold f t)
  | patfold f [] = Impossible.impossible "applied pattern operator to empty list"
fun andp x = patfold andpx x
fun seqp x = patfold seqpx x
fun orp  x = patfold orpx  x
Defines andp, orp, patfold, seqp (links are to index).

merge_constraints merges two sets of constraints, preserving the invariant that a field may appear at most once on any list of constraints.

<merge functions>= (<-U)
fun mergeCons combine (l1, l2) =
  let fun add((f, r), set) =
        case FieldMap.find(set, f)
          of NONE => FieldMap.insert(set, f, r)
           | SOME r' => FieldMap.insert(set, f, combine(f, r, r'))
      val new = foldl add (foldl add FieldMap.empty l1) l2
  in  FieldMap.listItemsi new

fun mergeConstraints x = mergeCons (fn (_, r, r') => Range.intersection(r, r')) x
fun mergeBindings x = mergeCons (fn (f, _, _) => <complain of constraint conflict>) x
(* could do better in the way of merging constraints, to kick out extra conditions...*)
Defines mergeBindings, mergeCons, mergeConstraints (links are to index).

<complain of constraint conflict>= (U->)
Error.errorl ["Multiple field bindings for field `", #name f, "'"] (* need image *)

<absolute constraints and conjunction>+= (U->) [<-D]
fun mergeConstraints (l1, l2) =
  let fun add((f, r), set) =
        case AbsoluteFieldMap.find(set, f)
          of NONE => AbsoluteFieldMap.insert(set, f, r)
           | SOME r' => AbsoluteFieldMap.insert(set, f, Range.intersection(r, r'))
      val new = foldl add (foldl add AbsoluteFieldMap.empty l1) l2
  in  AbsoluteFieldMap.listItemsi new

fun andd (DIS (_, conds1, (ccs1, labels1, len1)), 
          DIS (_, conds2, (ccs2, labels2, len2))) =
  let val _ = len1 = len2 orelse Impossible.impossible "absolute length mismatch"
      val len = len1
      val ccs = mergeConstraints (ccs1, ccs2)
      fun ulab (l1, l2) = if l1 = l2 then l1
                          else Impossible.impossible "inconsistent absolute labels"
      val labels = StringMap.unionWith ulab (labels1, labels2)
  in  DIS (NONE, Exp.Set.union(conds1, conds2), (ccs, labels, len))

<absolute contradiction handling>

fun andpx (p1, p2) = dropContradictoryDisjuncts(Pure.distribute andd (p1, p2))
fun andp l = Pure.patfold andpx l
Defines andd, andp, andpx, mergeConstraints (links are to index).

Explanation of pattern labels

A label L: in any sequence makes L available for use in field bindings throughout any pattern containing that sequence. The label is permissible only on the right-hand side of a constructor specification, and its scope is the entire branch in which it appears, including equations. The eventual representation of the label is as an integer expression derived from PC, i.e., an offset relative to the beginning of the disjunct (sequence) in which it appears. The problem is, we can't compute that representation until we've elaborated the rest of the pattern. Pattern elaboration must therefore take place in three stages:
  1. Scan for labels in the AST, and put them in scope as PATLABEL applied to their own names. This assures they are unique in the scope, so we can substitute for the names later without fear of reprisal. They should project as integers using simply their names.
  2. Elaborate the AST into a labelled_pattern, in which EXTENSION appears as a binding instance.
  3. Once the AST is elaborated, we can now call makeLabelsRelative, which removes all pattern labels and replaces them in field bindings with the appropriate PC_RELATIVE values. The pattern label will not appear free in the resulting pattern.


In a single when clause of a constructor definition, a label L can be used as inputs to the set of equations as long as it appears in all disjuncts of the associated pattern. (This is, of course, one way of propagating the label into field bindings.)

We enforce the scoping of labels by substituting Epatlabel expressions for variables that refer to labels. (We do this after running the solver, when binding patterns into what we might call ``top-level normal form.'' Of course this has nothing to do with patterns themselves; it's a property of the expressions in field bindings, but we do null out the name field of a patlabel so it can mark the location without interfering with other labels that are differently scoped but identically named.) At the emission level (untyped constructor), we'll rewrite patlabel expressions into the form Epc() + offset. At the recognition level, we'll insert a binding of the name of the label to an expression of the same form.

The invariant on patlabels is that the name field is non-null during parsing and conversion to normal form, but the name field must be null in any pattern that results from a lookup or a crhs call. We might actually be able to do something with this in ML by parameterising the type by unit or string.

Another invariant we want to maintain is that no patlabel should appear in more than one sequence. Conjunction can't do it, because it destroys all labels. Disjunction can't do it, because collecting a larger group of sequences together can't violate the invariant. But concatentation can do it, because we replicate sequences to get an outer product. So we have to be careful in seqpx. We exploit the invariant by setting name fields null when binding label names.

A latent_patlabel is used to implement label binding of free constructor-typed arguments in matching statements. The label has to be associated with the constructor-input pattern, but making it a label at constructor-input time will just put it in the wrong scope. Instead, we keep the latent pattern label around until we know whether it will refer to a real instance Einstance(name) or a binding instance Ebinding_instance(name). In the former case it vanishes; in the latter, it turns into a real label. eliminate_instances does the work.

<label functions>= (U->) [D->]
fun actualLabel l = Labelled.seq2p [LABEL(ACTUAL l)]
fun latentLabel e = Latent.seq2p [LABEL e]
Defines actualLabel, latentLabel (links are to index).

To make a normal pattern labelled, we just inject the right sequents using SEQUENT.

<transfer functions>= (U->) [D->]
fun inject seq (PAT(name, ds)) =
  let fun dis (DIS(name, conds, SEQ(pre, ss, post))) =
            DIS(name, conds, SEQ(pre, map seq ss, post))
  in  PAT(name, map dis ds)
fun injectPure p = inject CONSTRAINTS p
fun injectLatent p = inject (fn CONSTRAINTS c => CONSTRAINTS c
                              | LABEL latent => LABEL (LATENT latent)) p
Defines inject, injectLatent, injectPure (links are to index).

To fail if there are labels present, we perform the inverse operation, complaining if we see anything except SEQUENT.

<transfer functions>+= (U->) [<-D]
fun project seq (PAT (name, ds)) =
  let fun dis (DIS(name, conds, SEQ(pre, ss, post))) =
                 DIS(name, conds, SEQ(pre, map seq ss, post))
  in  PAT(name, map dis ds)
fun purify p = 
  project (fn CONSTRAINTS c => c 
           | LABEL _ => Error.error "labels not permitted at top level") p
fun projectAsPure p = 
  project (fn CONSTRAINTS c => c 
           | LABEL _ => ErrorMsg.impossible "unexpected pattern label") p
fun dropLatents p =
 (projectAsPure o actualizeLatents {actualsOK=false} o injectLatent) p
Defines dropLatents, project, projectAsPure, purify (links are to index).

Making labels PC-relative is a bit more elaborate. The first step is to find the offsets of all the labels. This is where they get converted from bits to PC units.

<label functions>+= (U->) [<-D->]
fun labelOffsets (DIS(name, conds, SEQ(pre, ss, post))) =
  let fun addlabel(m, l, n) =
        case StringMap.find(m, l)
          of NONE => StringMap.insert(m, l, Pure.bitsToPCunits n)
           | SOME _ => Error.errorl ["Pattern label ", l, " appears twice in disjunct"]
      fun b ([], n, bindings) = bindings
        | b (CONSTRAINTS (cls,_,_) :: t, n, bindings) = b(t, n + #size cls, bindings)
        | b (LABEL (ACTUAL l) :: t, n, bindings) = b(t, n, addlabel(bindings, l, n))
        | b (LABEL (LATENT _) :: t, n, bindings) = b(t, n, bindings)
  in  b(ss, 0, StringMap.empty) 
Defines labelOffsets (links are to index).

Now, to make labels PC-relative, we add the offsets to the program counter. For each disjunct, we build up a map from bindings of labels. Then, if the map isn't empty, we apply it to the conditions and the sequents.

<label functions>+= (U->) [<-D]
fun makeLabelsPCrelative (PAT (name, ds)) =
  let fun addPC k = Exp.add(Exp.pc, Exp.const k)
      fun labelbindings d = addPC (labelOffsets d)
      fun dis (d as DIS(name, conds, SEQ(pre, ss, post))) =
        let val lmap = labelbindings d
            fun strip([], ss') = rev ss'
              | strip(CONSTRAINTS c    :: t, ss') = strip(t, CONSTRAINTS c :: ss')
              | strip(LABEL (LATENT e) :: t, ss') = strip(t, LABEL e :: ss')
              | strip(LABEL (ACTUAL _) :: t, ss') = strip(t, ss')
            val ss = strip(ss, [])
        in  if StringMap.numItems lmap = 0 then
              DIS(name, conds, SEQ(pre, ss, post))
              let val sigma = Exp.multiSubst (fn l => StringMap.find (lmap, l))
                  val conds = sigma conds
                  val ss = map (Latent.mapSeq sigma) ss
              in  DIS(name, conds, SEQ(pre, ss, post))
  in  PAT(name, map dis ds)
Defines makeLabelsPCrelative (links are to index).


Substitution destroys disjuncts with manifestly false conditions, because that's how simplification works. It's crucial for constructor application.

<exported identifiers>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
val subst : (Exp.exp -> Exp.exp) -> pattern -> pattern
Defines subst (links are to index).

<internal functions>+= (U->) [<-D->]
fun subst sigma (PAT(name, ds)) =
  let fun dis (DIS(name, cs, SEQ(pre, ss, post))) =
            Exp.Set.delTrue ( sigma cs),
            SEQ(pre, map (mapSeq sigma) ss, post))
      val hasFalse = Exp.Set.exists (fn e =>, Exp.false') = EQUAL)
      fun worthwhile (DIS(_, cs, _)) = not (hasFalse cs)
  in  PAT(name, List.filter worthwhile (map dis ds))
Defines subst (links are to index).


<exported identifiers>+= (<-U) [<-D->]
val foldExps : (Exp.exp * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> pattern -> 'a
Defines foldExps (links are to index).

<internal functions>+= (U->) [<-D->]
fun foldExps f zero (PAT(name, ds)) =
  let <folding expressions over sequences>
      fun dis (DIS(name, cs, SEQ(pre, ss, post)), zero) =
        foldl (fn (s, z) => foldSeq f (Exp.Set.foldl f z cs) s) zero ss
  in  foldl dis zero ds
Defines foldExps (links are to index).


I've lost some features of the old implementation, including keeping the name and the (optional) warning about labels unused within the disjunct.

<*>= [D->]
procedure bind_and_remove_patlabel_names(p, keepname, free_vars_ok)
  q := pattern([],
  every put(q.disjuncts, barpm_d(!p.disjuncts, keepname, free_vars_ok))
  return q

procedure barpm_d(d, keepname, free_vars_ok)
  t := table()
  every s := !d.sequents & type(s) == "patlabel" & \ do {
    (/t[] := Epatlabel(s)) |
      error("Duplicate labels ",, " in disjunct ", expimage(d))
    if == free_variables(d) then &null
    else \free_vars_ok | 
         warning("Label ",, " not used in disjunct ", expimage(d))
    if /keepname then := &null
  return subst_tab(d, t)

procedure bind_patlabel_names(p, free_vars_ok)
  return bind_and_remove_patlabel_names(p, 1, free_vars_ok)

Eliminating contradictions

On the Intel 486, some modifiers may be used only with certain opcodes, e.g., grp3.Eb | grp3.Ev. When such a disjunction is conjoined with a particular opcode, the result contains contradictions, e.g. [Note that when this sort of conjunction takes place as part of defining a constructor, the disjunction is expanded as part of the opcode, and the result is multiple constructors, some of which are ``vacuous'' in the sense that they contain only contradictory disjuncts.]
(grp3.Eb | grp3.Ev) & grp3.Eb ===grp3.Eb | impossible.
not_contradictory can be applied to a disjunct; it succeeds if and only if the disjunct contains no impossible constraints. We might one day decide to use it to eliminate disjuncts with conditions that are evidently always false.

<contradiction handling>= (<-U)
fun notContradictory (DIS (_, _, SEQ(_, seq, _))) =
  let fun contra (_, {lo, hi}:range) = lo >= hi
      fun contra' (SEQ_CONS (_, _, l)) = List.exists contra l
        | contra' _ = false
  in  not (List.exists (contra' o Seq.unSequent) seq)
fun dropContradictoryDisjuncts (PAT(n, ds)) = PAT(n, List.filter notContradictory ds)
Defines dropContradictoryDisjuncts, notContradictory (links are to index).

<absolute contradiction handling>= (<-U)
fun notContradictory (DIS (_, _, (ccs, _, _))) =
  let fun contra (_, {lo, hi}:range) = lo >= hi
  in  not (List.exists contra ccs)
fun dropContradictoryDisjuncts (PAT(n, ds)) = PAT(n, List.filter notContradictory ds)
Defines dropContradictoryDisjuncts, notContradictory (links are to index).

Functions on patterns

place_holder takes a disjunct and returns a disjunct that may be used as a place holder for it. This old code is still floating around because we haven't implemented relocation yet.

<*>+= [<-D->]
procedure place_holder(d)
  local shape, class
  shape := shapeof(d)
  <complain if some class in shape has no placeholder>
  p := epsilon()
  every class := !shape do p := seqp(p, class.holder)
  *p.disjuncts = 1 | impossible("Some placeholder has multiple disjuncts")
  return p.disjuncts[1]
<complain if some class in shape has no placeholder>= (<-U)
if /(class := !shape).holder then
    error("No placeholder is defined for class ",

pattern_length computes the length in bits of a pattern in normal form.

<*>+= [<-D->]
procedure pattern_length(p)
  local shapes, class
  shapes := maplist(disjunct_length, p.disjuncts)
  *shapes > 0 | error("length of impossible pattern")
  if !shapes ~= shapes[1] then error("Length of pattern ", patimage(p), " is not fixed")
  return shapes[1]
<*>+= [<-D->]
procedure disjunct_length(d)
  n := 0
  every s := !d.sequents & type(s) == "sequent" do
    n +:= s.class.size
  return n
<*>+= [<-D->]
procedure shapeof(d)
  l := []
  every s := !d.sequents & type(s) == "sequent" do
    put(l, s.class)
  return l

A pattern is a legitimate global pattern if it has no conditions and no field bindings and if no labels are named.

<internal functions>+= (U->) [<-D]
fun insistGlobal (p as PAT (_, ds)) =
  if List.exists (fn (DIS(_,conds,_)) => not (Exp.Set.isEmpty conds)) ds then
    error "top-level pattern has conditions" (* need image *)
    let fun badSequent (SEQ_CONS (_, [], _)) = false
          | badSequent _ = true (* field binding or label *)
        fun badDisjunct (DIS(_, _, SEQ(_,seq,_))) =
              List.exists (badSequent o Seq.unSequent) seq
    in  if List.exists badDisjunct ds then
          error "top-level battern has inputs or labels" (* need image *)
Defines insistGlobal (links are to index).

<exported identifiers>+= (<-U) [<-D]
val insistGlobal : pattern -> pattern (* identity or raises exception *)
Defines insistGlobal (links are to index).

Absolute normal form

Converting to absolute normal form is simply a matter of adding up word sizes to compute offsets. There's a bit of trickery in that I don't eliminate field bindings here, so I return a ``proto_pattern'' instead of a true Absolute.pattern.

<conversion to absolute normal form>= (U->)
fun anf (p as PAT(name, ds) : Labelled.pattern) = 
  let infix 9 at
      fun addlabel(m, l, n) =
        case StringMap.find(m, l)
          of NONE => StringMap.insert(m, l, {bits=n})
           | SOME _ => Error.errorl ["Pattern label ", l, " appears twice in disjunct"]
      fun (f, ?) at n = ((f, n), ?)  (* make binding absolute *)
      fun b ([], n, bindings, constraints, labels) = (bindings, constraints, labels, n)
        | b ((LABEL (ACTUAL l)) :: t, n, bbs, ccs, labels) =
              b(t, n, bbs, ccs, addlabel(labels, l, n))
        | b ((LABEL (LATENT _)) :: t, n, bbs, ccs, labels) = 
              Impossible.impossible "latent label in anf conversion"
        | b ((CONSTRAINTS (class, bs, cs)) :: t, n, bbs, ccs, labels) = 
              let val bbs = foldl (fn (b, bbs) => b at n :: bbs) bbs bs
                  val ccs = foldl (fn (c, ccs) => c at n :: ccs) ccs cs
              in  b(t, n + #size class, bbs, ccs, labels)
      fun dis (DIS (name, conditions, SEQ(pre, ss, post))) =
         let val (bb, cc, labels, n) = b(ss, 0, [], [], StringMap.empty)
         in  (DIS (name, conditions, (cc, labels, n)), bb)
  in  PAT(name, map dis ds) : Absolute.proto_pattern
Defines anf (links are to index).

To convert labels to actuals.

<actualization>= (U->)
structure U = UnifiedExp
fun actualizeLatents {actualsOK} (PAT(name, ds) : Labelled.pattern) = 
  let fun actualize([], seqs') = rev seqs'
        | actualize (LABEL (LATENT e) :: t, seqs') =
            let fun ignorable (U.VAR _) = true
                  | ignorable (U.INSTANCE _) = true
                  | ignorable (U.INSTANCE_INPUT (e, {cons, operand})) = ignorable e
                      (* only if it's a constructor-typed input, but I can't check *)
                  | ignorable _ = false
            in case e
                 of U.BINDING_INSTANCE (name, wild, _) =>
                    if actualsOK then
                      actualize(t, if wild then seqs' else LABEL(ACTUAL name) :: seqs')
                      Impossible.impossible "latent label becoming actual"
                  | _ =>
                    if ignorable e then actualize(t, seqs')
                    else Impossible.impossible "type of latent-label expression"
        | actualize(h :: t, seqs') = actualize(t, h :: seqs')
      fun dis (DIS (name, conditions, SEQ(pre, ss,                post))) =
               DIS (name, conditions, SEQ(pre, actualize(ss, []), post))
  in  PAT(name, map dis ds) : Labelled.pattern
Defines actualizeLatents, U (links are to index).

Old Icon code

The tricky part of computing the constructors applied in a pattern is that the exact set is not known until pnf is applied to the pattern. We make a conservative estimate by generating all possible applications using explode_apps.

<*>+= [<-D]
procedure constructors_applied_in(p)
    case type(p) of {
        "pattern" | "Pident" | "Plabel" | "Pcon" | "string" | "integer" | "literal" :
        "Pand" | "Por" | "Pseq"  : suspend constructors_applied_in(!p.patterns)
        "Papp" : suspend (if type(p.cons) == "list" then
                          else p.cons) |
            default : impossible("pattern AST")

Field stuff

signature FIELD = sig
  <field types>
  val fwidth : field -> int
  val fmax   : field -> Word.word
  val afmax  : absolute_field -> Word.word
  val compare'range : range * range -> order
  val compare'field : field * field -> order
  val compare'absolute_field : absolute_field * absolute_field -> order
Defines afmax, compare'absolute_field, compare'field, compare'range, FIELD, fmax, fwidth (links are to index).

structure Field : FIELD = struct
  <field types>
  fun fwidth ({range={lo,hi}, ...} : field) = hi - lo
  fun fmax f = Word.<<(0w1, Word.fromInt(fwidth f))
  fun afmax (f, n) = fmax f
  <field types>

structure AbsoluteFieldKey : ORD_KEY = struct
  type ord_key = Field.absolute_field
  val compare ='absolute_field
structure AbsoluteFieldSet = BinarySetFn(AbsoluteFieldKey)
structure AbsoluteFieldMap = BinaryMapFn(AbsoluteFieldKey)
Defines AbsoluteFieldKey, AbsoluteFieldMap, AbsoluteFieldSet, afmax, compare, Field, fmax, fwidth, ord_key (links are to index).

<pattern.sml>= [D->]
functor PatternInternalFun (Seq : SEQUENT_BASICS) = struct
  open Seq.PatternTypes
  type pattern = Seq.sequent sequence disjunct' pattern'
  <internal functions>
Defines pattern, PatternInternalFun (links are to index).

<pattern.sml>+= [<-D]
functor PatternsFun(Exp: EXP_SET where type exp = UnifiedExp.exp) : PATTERNS = 
  structure Exp = Exp
  <common functions>

  structure PatternTypes = PatternTypesFun(Exp)
  structure PT = PatternTypes
  structure Labelled = PatternInternalFun(LabelledSequentFun(PT))
  structure Latent   = PatternInternalFun(LatentSequentFun  (PT))
  structure Pure     = PatternInternalFun(PureSequentFun    (PT))
  open PT

  structure Absolute = struct 
    structure Exp = Exp  
    type pattern = absolute_disjunct pattern'
    type proto_pattern = 
                   (absolute_disjunct * absolute_field field_binding' list) pattern'
    val epsilon = PAT(SOME "epsilon", 
                      [DIS (NONE, Exp.Set.empty, ([], StringMap.empty, 0))])
    <absolute constraints and conjunction>

  <conversion to absolute normal form>
  <transfer functions>
  <label functions>
Defines Absolute, Exp, Labelled, Latent, PatternsFun, PatternTypes, PT, Pure (links are to index).

/F2psDict 200 dict def F2psDict begin F2psDict /mtrx matrix put /l lineto bind def /m moveto bind def /s stroke bind def /n newpath bind def /gs gsave bind def /gr grestore bind def /clp closepath bind def /graycol dup dup currentrgbcolor 4 -2 roll mul 4 -2 roll mul 4 -2 roll mul setrgbcolor bind def /col-1 def /col0 0 0 0 setrgbcolor bind def /col1 0 0 1 setrgbcolor bind def /col2 0 1 0 setrgbcolor bind def /col3 0 1 1 setrgbcolor bind def /col4 1 0 0 setrgbcolor bind def /col5 1 0 1 setrgbcolor bind def /col6 1 1 0 setrgbcolor bind def /col7 1 1 1 setrgbcolor bind def end /F2psBegin F2psDict begin /F2psEnteredState save def def /F2psEnd F2psEnteredState restore end def

F2psBegin 0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin -28.0 234.0 translate 0.900 -0.900 scale 0.500 setlinewidth n 159 139 m 159 79 l 59 79 l 59 139 l clp gs col-1 s gr /Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont 108 113 m gs 1 -1 scale (Labelled) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col-1 show gr n 159 259 m 159 199 l 59 199 l 59 259 l clp gs col-1 s gr /Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont 108 233 m gs 1 -1 scale (Absolute) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col-1 show gr n 399 259 m 399 199 l 299 199 l 299 259 l clp gs col-1 s gr /Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont 348 233 m gs 1 -1 scale (Pure) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col-1 show gr n 111.000 191.000 m 109.000 199.000 l 107.000 191.000 l gs 2 setlinejoin col-1 s gr n 109 199 m 109 139 l gs col-1 s gr /Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont 114 174 m gs 1 -1 scale (anf) col-1 show gr n 159 99 m 299 99 l gs col-1 s gr n 291.000 97.000 m 299.000 99.000 l 291.000 101.000 l gs 2 setlinejoin col-1 s gr /Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont 229 94 m gs 1 -1 scale (makeLabelsPCrelative) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col-1 show gr n 399 139 m 399 79 l 299 79 l 299 139 l clp gs col-1 s gr /Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont 348 113 m gs 1 -1 scale (Latent) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col-1 show gr n 299 119 m 159 119 l gs col-1 s gr n 167.000 121.000 m 159.000 119.000 l 167.000 117.000 l gs 2 setlinejoin col-1 s gr /Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont 229 132 m gs 1 -1 scale (injectLatent) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col-1 show gr n 82.111 71.363 m 79.000 79.000 l 78.151 70.798 l gs 2 setlinejoin col-1 s gr n 55.667 75.667 23.570 81.871 8.129 arc gs col-1 s gr n 144 139 m 299 209 l gs col-1 s gr n 292.532 203.885 m 299.000 209.000 l 290.886 207.530 l gs 2 setlinejoin col-1 s gr n 309 199 m 159 129 l gs col-1 s gr n 165.404 134.195 m 159.000 129.000 l 167.095 130.571 l gs 2 setlinejoin col-1 s gr n 351.000 191.000 m 349.000 199.000 l 347.000 191.000 l gs 2 setlinejoin col-1 s gr n 349 199 m 349 139 l gs col-1 s gr /Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont 214 184 m gs 1 -1 scale (purify) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 rmoveto col-1 show gr /Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont 249 169 m gs 1 -1 scale (injectPure) col-1 show gr /Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont 79 64 m gs 1 -1 scale (actualizeLatents) col-1 show gr /Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont 354 174 m gs 1 -1 scale (dropLatents) col-1 show gr F2psEnd