

Prettyprinting. Based on Pugh, William W. and Steven J. Sinofsky. 1987 (January). A new language-independent prettyprinting algorithm. Technical Report TR 87-808, Cornell University.

Basic prettyprinting streams

It's possible we should enforce matching of begins and ends by using a BLOCK constructor instead, but that might make the programming model more awkward, so for now I stick with the general begin/end. SYNCH is always a forced newline. It may emit line-numbering directives.

<pretty type>= (U-> U->)
datatype break = OPTIONAL | CONNECTED | FORCED
datatype pretty = BEGIN 
                | END 
                | INDENT of int 
                | OUTDENT 
                | BREAK of break_info
                | TEXT of string 
                | LIST of pretty list
                | SYNCH
withtype break_info = {break: break, pre:string, post:string, none:string}
Defines break, break_info, pretty (links are to index).

Indentation is an absolute quantity, not realtive. LIST is a grouping mechanism only; we work with the flattened sequence.

The Short substructure has nifty abbreviations, etc.

signature PP = sig
  <pretty type>
  structure Short : sig
    val be : pretty
    val en : pretty
    val i  : int -> pretty
    val ou : pretty
    val nl : pretty
    val on : pretty
    val cn : pretty
    val te : string -> pretty
    val li : pretty list -> pretty
    val sy : pretty
    val $  : string -> pretty   (* implement $ escapes *)
    val int : int -> pretty
    val char : char -> pretty
  val format : string -> pretty list -> pretty  (* $ escapes plus % escapes *)
  val textMap : (string -> string) -> pretty -> pretty
  val flatten : pretty -> string
  val synch : pretty
Defines flatten, format, PP, Short, synch, textMap (links are to index).

synch stands for a newline, plus whatever goo is necessary to resynchronize the output to the current file.

signature PRETTYPRINTER = sig
  val print : {width : int, print : string -> unit} -> PP.pretty -> unit
Defines PRETTYPRINTER, print (links are to index).

Here's the implementation. The only interesting part is the processing of the $ escapes.

structure PP : PP = struct
  <pretty type>
  structure Short = struct
    val be = BEGIN
    val en = END
    val i  = INDENT
    val ou = OUTDENT
    val nl = BREAK {break=FORCED, pre="", post="", none=""}
    val on = BREAK {break=OPTIONAL, pre="", post="", none=""}
    val cn = BREAK {break=CONNECTED, pre="", post="", none=""}
    val te = TEXT
    val li = LIST
    val sy = SYNCH
    val int = TEXT o Int.toString
    val char = TEXT o Char.toString
    fun dollar percent s inserts =
      let infixr 5 :::
          fun [] ::: l = l
            | r  ::: l = TEXT (String.implode (rev r)) :: l
          fun e(#"$" :: #"{" :: s, r, inserts) =  r ::: be  :: e(s, [], inserts)
            | e(#"$" :: #"}" :: s, r, inserts) =  r ::: en  :: e(s, [], inserts)
            | e(#"$" :: #"t" :: s, r, inserts) =  r ::: i 2 :: e(s, [], inserts)
            | e(#"$" :: #"b" :: s, r, inserts) =  r ::: ou  :: e(s, [], inserts)
            | e(#"$" :: #"n" :: s, r, inserts) =  r ::: nl  :: e(s, [], inserts)
            | e(#"$" :: #"o" :: s, r, inserts) =  r ::: on  :: e(s, [], inserts)
            | e(#"$" :: #"c" :: s, r, inserts) =  r ::: cn  :: e(s, [], inserts)
            | e(#"$" :: #"#" :: s, r, inserts) =  r ::: sy  :: e(s, [], inserts)
            | e(#"$" :: #"$" :: s, r, inserts) = e(s, #"$" :: r, inserts)
            | e(#"$" :: d    :: s, r, inserts) =
                if #"0" <= d andalso d <= #"9" then
                  r ::: i (ord d - ord #"0") :: e(s, [], inserts)
                  r ::: te ("((internal PP bug --- unknown escape $" ^ str d ^ "))")
                     :: e(s, [], inserts)
            | e(#"\n" :: s, r, inserts) = r ::: nl :: e(s, [], inserts)
            | e(#"%"  :: #"s" :: s, r, inserts) = 
                if percent then
                  case inserts
                    of i :: ii => r ::: i :: e(s, [], ii)
                     | [] => r ::: te "((internal bug: bad call to PP \
                                      \[missing %s argument]))" :: e(s, [], [])
                  e(#"s" :: s, #"%" :: r, inserts)
            | e(#"%"  :: c :: s, r, inserts) = 
                if percent then
                  e(s, c :: r, inserts)
                  e(c :: s, #"%" :: r, inserts)  (* N.B. c could be #"$" *)
            | e(c::s, r, inserts) = e(s, c::r, inserts)
            | e([], r, []) = r ::: nil
            | e([], r, inserts) = r ::: te ("((internal bug: bad call to PP -- " ^
                                             Int.toString (length inserts) ^
                                             " leftover %s arguments: ")
                                     :: inserts @ [te "))"]
      in LIST (e (explode s, [], inserts))
    fun $ s = dollar false s []
  val format = Short.dollar true
  fun flatten BEGIN     = ""
    | flatten END       = ""
    | flatten (INDENT _)= ""
    | flatten OUTDENT   = ""
    | flatten (BREAK {break=FORCED, pre, post, none}) = pre ^ "\n" ^ post
    | flatten SYNCH = "\n"
    | flatten (BREAK {break=_, pre, post, none}) = none
    | flatten (TEXT s)  = s
    | flatten (LIST l)  = String.concat(map flatten l)
  val synch = LIST [, TEXT "#line 999 \"generated-code\"",]
  val synch = SYNCH
  fun textMap sigma = 
    let fun m (TEXT s)  = TEXT (sigma s)
          | m (LIST l)  = LIST (map (textMap sigma) l)
          | m p = p
    in  m
Defines flatten, format, PP, Short, synch, textMap (links are to index).

Note that the current implementation of synch is bogus. The ungenerate program has to be run on the generated code. Eventually, I'll patch the prettyprinter to track line numbers and emit proper synchronization directives on the way out.

Building an unparser using the prettyprinting stream

We make a general unparser (q.v.) in which the atomic elements are parts of a prettyprinting stream.

signature UNPARSE_PP = sig
  structure Unparser : UNPARSER
  where type Atom.atom = PP.pretty

functor PPUnparseFun (
  val juxtarator : PP.pretty * P.precedence * Assoc.associativity
) : UNPARSE_PP = struct
  structure Atom = struct
    type atom = PP.pretty
    fun parenthesize l =
    structure Precedence = P
    val bogus = PP.TEXT "bogus sentinel operator"
    val juxtapositionSpec as (juxAtom, juxPrec, juxAssoc) = juxtarator
    val juxtarator = (juxAtom, juxPrec, Assoc.INFIX juxAssoc)
  structure Unparser = UnparserFun(Atom)
structure StdUnparser = PPUnparseFun(
  structure P = struct
    type precedence = int
    val min = ~1
    val max = 101 (* bogus *)
    val compare =
  val juxtarator = (PP.TEXT "???", 0, Assoc.LEFT)
Defines Atom, juxtarator, P, PPUnparseFun, StdUnparser, UNPARSE_PP, Unparser (links are to index).

Doing the prettyprinting

Normal form

Step one is to transform PP.pretty into PPNormal.normal. Breaks get bound to their indentations, blocks are explicit, and everything else becomes text. The indentation of a break is the amount to indent if the break is taken.

structure PPNormal = struct
  type indentation = int
  datatype normal = BLOCK of normal list
                  | BREAK of indentation * PP.break_info
                  | TEXT  of string
                  | SYNCH of indentation
  val normalize : PP.pretty -> normal = fn l => <normalize l>
  fun listify normal = 
    let fun flat(TEXT s, tail) = s::tail
          | flat(BREAK (_, {none, ...}), tail) = none::tail
          | flat(BLOCK l, tail) = foldr flat tail l
          | flat(SYNCH _, tail) = tail
    in  flat(normal, [])
Defines indentation, listify, normal, normalize, PPNormal (links are to index).

Least-cost setting of the normal form

The dynamic-programming algorithm below finds the least-cost collection of line breaks, but we have to have a definition of cost.

<ppdyn.sig>= [D->]
signature PP_COST = sig
  type cost
  val initialCost : cost (* cost of empty output *)
  val addNewline  : cost * int * string list -> cost (* cost of another newline *)
     (* cost of prev break, depth, parts of line in reverse order *)
  val < : cost * cost -> bool
Defines <, addNewline, cost, initialCost, PP_COST (links are to index).

The simplest cost is the number of newlines.

<ppdyn.sml>= [D->]
structure NewlinePPCost = struct
  type cost = int
  val initialCost = 0
  val op < = op < : cost * cost -> bool
  fun addNewline (cost, depth, revline) = cost + 1
Defines addNewline, cost, initialCost, NewlinePPCost, op (links are to index).

A better cost is to break ties on depth. For this, we need a cost that tracks not only the total number of newlines, but which ones occur at which depth. The invariant on depths is

<ppdyn.sml>+= [<-D->]
structure NewlineDepthPPCost = struct
  type cost = int * { depth : int, count : int } list 
    fun count depths depth = 
      let fun cnt [] = 0
            | cnt ({depth=d, count=n}::t) = case (depth, d) 
                                              of LESS => cnt t
                                               | EQUAL => n
                                               | GREATER => 0
      in  cnt depths
    fun maxDepth [] = 0
      | maxDepth ({depth, count}::t) = depth
    (* add a newline at depth *)
    fun addAtDepth ([], depth') = [{depth=depth', count=1}]
      | addAtDepth(depths as ({depth, count}::t), depth') =
          case (depth, depth')
            of LESS => {depth=depth', count=1} :: depths
             | EQUAL => {depth=depth, count=count+1} :: t
             | GREATER => {depth=depth,count=count} :: addAtDepth(t, depth')
    fun lt ((newlines, depths), (newlines', depths')) = 
      case (newlines, newlines')
        of LESS => true
         | GREATER => false
         | EQUAL =>
             let val c = count depths
                 val c' = count depths'
                 fun cmp depth = depth, c' depth)
                 fun lt 0 = cmp 0 = LESS
                   | lt n = case cmp n of LESS => true
                                        | EQUAL => lt (n-1)
                                        | GREATER => false
             in  lt (Int.max (maxDepth depths, maxDepth depths'))
    val initialCost : cost = (0, [])
    fun addNewline ((newlines, depths), depth, revline) =
          (newlines+1, addAtDepth(depths, depth))
    val op < = lt   
Defines cost, NewlineDepthPPCost (links are to index).

Now, the dynamic programming! First, just simply minimize the number of line breaks set takes an emitter, a synchronizer, and a width, and it returns the number of lines emitted. The integer passed to the synchronizer is the number of lines already emitted. The synchronizer returns the number of lines it emits (normally 1, sometimes 0).

<ppdyn.sig>+= [<-D]
signature PP_DYNAMIC = sig
  type emitter = int * string list -> unit
  type syncher = emitter * int -> int
  val set : emitter * syncher * int -> PPNormal.normal -> int
  val standardEmitLine : TextIO.outstream -> int * string list -> unit
Defines emitter, PP_DYNAMIC, set, standardEmitLine, syncher (links are to index).

<ppdyn.sml>+= [<-D]
functor PPDynamicFun(Cost:PP_COST) : PP_DYNAMIC = struct
  type emitter = int * string list -> unit
  type syncher = emitter * int -> int
  type cost = Cost.cost

structure PPDynamic' = PPDynamicFun(NewlinePPCost)
structure PPDynamic = PPDynamicFun(NewlineDepthPPCost)
Defines cost, emitter, PPDynamic, PPDynamic', PPDynamicFun, syncher (links are to index).

The feasible structure represents a choice of breakpoints, going all the way back to the beginning of the document. The partial structure represents a partial line, which may be added to. Knuth's paper on breaking paragraphs into lines, or the relevant chapter in the TeXbook, would be a good place to go to read about doing line breaking using dynamic programming.

<dynamic>= (<-U) [D->]
datatype feasible = INITIAL
                  | PREV of partial
withtype partial = { revline : string list  (* contents of the line *)
                   , indent : int           (* amount to indent this line *)
                   , remaining : int        (* width - indent - size of revline *)
                   , prev : feasible        (* chain of all previous breaks *)
                   , cost : cost            (* cost of breaking at prev *)
                   , synch : bool           (* #line preceding this line *)
Defines feasible, partial (links are to index).

When choosing a breakpoint, we look for the best candidate according to Cost.<, omitting overfull lines. If all lines are overfull, we choose the least overfull line.

<dynamic>+= (<-U) [<-D]
  fun addText "" x = x
    | addText s {revline, cost, remaining, prev, indent, synch} =
    {revline = s::revline, cost = cost, remaining = remaining - size s , prev = prev,
     indent=indent, synch=synch}
  fun betterOverfull(a, b : partial) = if #remaining a > #remaining b then a else b
  fun betterCost(a, b : partial) = if Cost.<(#cost a, #cost b) then a else b
  fun findBest better (h::t) = foldl better h t
    | findBest _ [] = Impossible.impossible "candidate invariant violated"
  fun removeOverfull (candidates : partial list) =
      let val c = List.filter (fn c => #remaining c >= 0) candidates
      in  if null c then [findBest betterOverfull candidates] else c
  structure N = PPNormal
  fun set (emitLine, emitSynch, width) pretty =
    let <functions>
        val init : partial = {revline=[], cost=Cost.initialCost, synch=false,
                              remaining=width, indent=0, prev=INITIAL}
        val answer = findBest betterCost (append([pretty], 0, [init]))
        fun emit (PREV {revline, prev, indent, synch, ...}) =
              let val n = emit prev
                  val s = if synch then emitSynch (emitLine, n) else 0
              in  ( emitLine (indent, rev revline)
                  ; n + s + 1
          | emit INITIAL = 0
    in  emit (PREV answer)
  fun standardEmitLine stream (n, l) =
    let fun puts s = TextIO.output(stream, s)
        fun emit(0, l) = ( puts l; puts "\n")
          | emit(n, l) = (puts " "; emit(n-1, l))
    in  if n >= 0 then emit(n, l)
        else (puts "((pp error: negative indent))"; emit(0, l))
Defines addText, betterCost, betterOverfull, findBest, N, removeOverfull, set, standardEmitLine (links are to index).

If a newline is not taken, we have to be able to set a block solidly. To set something solid, just convert it to a string. Impossible if there's a forced newline, or if to do so would create an overfull line.

<setSolid>= (<-U)
exception CannotSetSolid
fun setSolid (l, remaining) =
  let fun text (s, (r, revline)) =
            let val r = r - size s
            in  if r < 0 then raise CannotSetSolid else (r, s :: revline)
      and addString(N.TEXT s, (r, revline)) = text(s, (r, revline))
        | addString(N.BREAK (_, {break=PP.FORCED, ...}), _) = raise CannotSetSolid
        | addString(N.BREAK (_, {none,...}), (r, revline)) = text(none, (r, revline))
        | addString(N.SYNCH _, _) = raise CannotSetSolid
        | addString(N.BLOCK b, (r, l)) = addString(N.TEXT (setSolid (b, r)), (r, l))
      val (_, revline) = foldl addString (remaining, []) l
  in  String.concat (rev revline)
Defines CannotSetSolid, setSolid (links are to index).

So we have a list of feasible breakpoints, and each one is followed by some text. Each one perforce breaks the group it's in. We want to append an item. Calling append only makes sense in the middle of a group that is known to contain a newline. Note if we hit a connected break, we must break there, because this connected break is not inside a block, and therefore the break at the beginning of this line is in the same group.

<functions>= (<-U)
(* invariant: candidates is never empty *)
  fun newCandidates "" candidates = candidates
    | newCandidates s candidates = removeOverfull (map (addText s) candidates)
  fun newPartial (best, depth, synch, i) : partial =
        { cost = Cost.addNewline (#cost best, depth, #revline best), synch = synch,
          indent = i, revline = [], remaining = width - i, prev = PREV best }
  fun append(N.TEXT s :: tail, depth, candidates) = 
        append(tail, depth, newCandidates s candidates)
    | append(N.BREAK (i, {break, pre, post, none}) :: tail, depth, candidates) =
        let val forced = case break of PP.CONNECTED => true
                                     | PP.FORCED => true
                                     | PP.OPTIONAL => false
            val best = findBest betterCost (newCandidates pre candidates)
            val new = addText post (newPartial (best, depth, false, i))
            val candidates = newCandidates none candidates
        in  append(tail, depth, if forced then [new] else new :: candidates)
    | append(N.SYNCH i :: tail, depth, candidates) =
        let val best = findBest betterCost candidates
            val new = newPartial (best, depth, true, i)
        in  append(tail, depth, [new])
    | append(N.BLOCK b :: tail, depth, candidates) =
        <add block b to candidates (at depth) and continue with tail>
    | append([], _, candidates) = candidates
  val append = append
Defines append, newCandidates, newPartial (links are to index).

Handling blocks is tricky. The basic idea is this: either we set the block solid, which means taking no breaks, or else we recursively call append (using foldl append on the contents of the block), in which case we guarantee to take all connected and forced breaks. The problem is that if a block contains no forced or connected breaks, foldl append will create a candidate identical to that created by setSolid, and the number of candidates will grow exponentially. We use the following more careful case analysis to decide what to do with a block:

Now, do we have to worry about forced newlines and such in blocks nested within blocks? It says here no---the existing code in setSolid deals for us. But I have no proof.

<add block b to candidates (at depth) and continue with tail>= (<-U)
let fun isBreak category (N.BREAK(_, {break=cat', ...})) = category = cat'
      | isBreak _ _ = false
    val hasForced    = List.exists (isBreak PP.FORCED)    b
    val hasConnected = List.exists (isBreak PP.CONNECTED) b
    val candidates =
      if hasForced orelse (not hasForced andalso not hasConnected) then
        append(b, depth+1, candidates)
        let val openCandidates = append(b, depth+1, candidates)
            val maxRemaining = foldl (fn(c, r) => Int.max (#remaining c, r))
                                     0 candidates
        in  let val s = setSolid (b, maxRemaining)
            in  removeOverfull(
                  foldl (fn (c, cs) => addText s c :: cs) openCandidates candidates)
            end handle CannotSetSolid => openCandidates
in  append(tail, depth, candidates)

Converting a stream into normal form

To convert into this form, I keep indendation on a stack called indents, and I cache the sum of all indents in the variable indent. next parses a single block. current contains items from the current block, and waiting contains items from enclosing blocks.

<normalize l>= (<-U)
let fun ppfold f zero (PP.LIST l) = foldl (fn (p, z) => ppfold f z p) zero l
      | ppfold f zero p = f(p, zero)
    type indent = { size : int, stack : int list }
    val brev = BLOCK o rev
    fun bad _ = Impossible.impossible "bad prettyprinting" (* will need to improve *)
    fun errmsg msg = TEXT ("((pp error: " ^ msg ^ "))")
    fun next(pp, (indent as {size, stack}, waiting, current)) =
      let fun add i = (indent, waiting, i::current)
          val addError = add o errmsg
          fun n (PP.BEGIN)    = (indent, current::waiting, [])
            | n (PP.END)      = (case waiting of h::t => (indent, t, brev current::h)
                                               | []   => addError "unmatched end")
            | n (PP.INDENT n) = ({size=size+n, stack=n::stack}, waiting, current)
            | n (PP.OUTDENT)  = (case stack
                                   of n::t => ({size=size-n,stack=t}, waiting, current)
                                    | [] => addError "unmatched outdent")
            | n(PP.BREAK b)   = add (BREAK(#size indent, b))
            | n(PP.SYNCH)     = add (SYNCH (#size indent))
            | n(PP.TEXT t)    = add (TEXT t)
            | n(PP.LIST _)    = Impossible.impossible "can't happen -- bad ppfold"
       in   n pp
    val (indent, waiting, current) = ppfold next ({size=0,stack=[]}, [], []) l
    val current = case indent of {stack=[], ...} => current
                               | _ => errmsg "unclosed indent" :: current
    fun matchBegins ([], cur) = cur
      | matchBegins (h::t, cur) =
          matchBegins(t, brev cur :: errmsg "unmatched begin" :: h)
    val current = matchBegins (waiting, current)
in  brev current

Test structure

The tester uses the C preprocessor rule for synchronization.

structure PPTest = struct
  fun readPP' stream =
    let fun get r = 
          let val l = TextIO.inputLine stream
          in  if size l = 0 then PP.LIST (rev r)
              else get(PP.Short.$ l :: r)
    in  get []
  fun readPP filename =
    let val s = TextIO.openIn filename
        val pp = readPP' s
    in  TextIO.closeIn s; pp
  val readNormal = PPNormal.normalize o readPP
  fun filter width infile outfile =
    let val normal = readNormal infile
        fun synch (emit, n) = 
          1 before emit(0, ["#line ", Int.toString (n+2), " \"", outfile, "\""]) 
        val out = TextIO.openOut outfile
    in  PPDynamic.set (PPDynamic.standardEmitLine out, synch, width) normal;
        TextIO.closeOut out
Defines filter, PPTest, readNormal, readPP, readPP' (links are to index).

$tnow is the time $#for all good men$n#line your mama$chere she is$t$#back to
regularly scheduled$b$b$cprogrammming