Penultimate Artifact Draft

Due Friday Nov 22nd @ 9 am


From this point, the artifact and paper for the class can show almost any learning objective with thoughtful work and justification. Consider the evaluation criteria from ic19 to grade yourself and focus your attention to produce a well rounded artifact.

If you find yourself doing a lot of software engineering to get to the learning objectives, please stubb out or simplify the code as much as you can. Then write the code or analysis to achieve the objective. Then go back to the engineering once you are happy with what the artifact shows you know. Many of you are working on high level ideas that would take a year or two of research to fully complete in practice. So, please do not be discouraged that the final project for this class is a proof of concept.

Please feel free to use this assignment as a catch up assignment to get feedback on any objectives from past assignments.

Optional should include
  1. your name
  2. your utln
  3. how much time you spent on this assignment
  4. the witness "proof" for how you earned each learning objective.

Please Submit

Contents to be submitted

Method of submission

Please commit your changes in either the hw21-1 directory of your private repo or a named folder for your project, and push them to the remote server before 9 am.