Peer Review: Final Paper and Artifact

Due Monday Dec 9th @ 11:59 pm


You will be randomly assigned a peer's submission to review.

You may choose ANY system or programming language (I recommend DeckBuild) to evaluate using the evaluation criteria we designed as a class in ic19.

I recommend you only evaluate an artifact, but you can also evaluate their user documentation as if it were a paper. If you feel motivated to evaluate a paper, then feel free to do so, but it is not necessary.

This assignment is purely for assessment purposes (Feedback and Evaluation, Technical Reading, etc), and your review will not be sent to the peer.

I found it too difficult to divvy up the submissions in such a way that the work would be fair to everyone. Specicially, in such a way that I would believe that everyone was being asked to put in the same amount of time and effort. That said, letting you choose your own system also has this problem, but I am setting a lower limit: You may choose a DSL we have discussed in the class.

Please Submit

Contents to be submitted

Method of submission

Please commit your changes in either the hw25-1 directory of your private repo or a named folder for your project, and push them to the remote server.