Module 12: Pattern Matching

make case-viz resilient to students

have scripts that use catch-signal search for it on path


In constraints, emphasize invariant: duplicate paths caused many bugs. Perhaps supply invariant checker?



(val else #t) ;; makes `cond` expressions easier to read

;; sketch of decision tree from this ML code:
;;    fun somes [] = []
;;      | somes (SOME x :: xs) = x :: somes xs
;;      | somes (NONE :: xs)   = somes xs
;; *Without* type checking, our match compiler can't identify
;; exhaustive patterns, so it adds error cases:

(define somes (ys)
    [(null? ys)   '()]
    [(pair? ys)
               [(some? t1)   
                      (let ([t2 (cdr ys)])
                         (cons t1 (somes t2)))]
               [(none? t1)
                      (let ([t2 (cdr ys)])
                         (somes t2))]
               [else (error 'match-failure)]))]
    [else (error 'match-failure)]))

(define somes (ys)
    [(null? ys)   '()]
    [(pair? ys)
         (let ([t1 (car ys)])
               [(some? t1)   
                      (let ([t2 (cdr ys)])
                         (cons t1 (somes t2)))]
               [(none? t1)
                      (let ([t2 (cdr ys)])
                         (somes t2))]
               [else (error 'match-failure)]))]
    [else (error 'match-failure)]))

;;; corresponding .es code follows:

(define somes (ys)
  (case ys
     ['()   '()]
     [(cons (SOME x) xs)    (cons x (somes xs))]
     [(cons NONE xs)        (somes xs)]))

(Somewhere in match-compilation handout)

In the paper, a path just says where a value is. In our UFT, a path says not only where a value is but also how to compute it. The key property of paths is that the value stored in a path can be computed using an expression in K-normal form, without allocating any registers:

Path Value in KNF
BLOCK_SLOT (x, i) getblockslot(x, i)
CAR x car(x)
CDR x cdr(x)


(define someElements (xs)
  (case xs
    [(cons (SOME y) ys)    (cons y (someElements ys))]
    [(cons NONE     ys)    (someElements ys)]
    ['()                   '()]))

(This module is also available in PDF, in two-column and one-column formats.)


This week you’ll translate pattern matching into efficient decision trees.

The module step by step

Before lab: Constructed data and match compilation

  1. Case expressions and pattern matching in μML. Look through the opening of Chapter 8 of Programming Languages: Build, Prove, and Compare, through the middle of page 465 end of section 8.1 (9 pages). The concepts are familiar and the section is mostly examples, so you need not read in depth—instead, read to pick up the terminology and to get comfortable with the concrete syntax.

    Also read section 8.2.2 (pages 469 and 470), which explains how value constructors are written. Value constructors in eScheme use the same rules.

  2. Semantics of pattern matching. In the same book, read section 8.2.1 (pages 468 and 469), which describe the semantics of pattern matching, informally. (A formal semantics is shown in section 8.8.1, but that semantics describes an algorithm so different from ours that the section is probably not useful.)

  3. Constructed data. Read the first three sections of the handout on constructed data. Stop when you finish the section on constructed data at run time; you won’t need to read about VM instructions before lab.

  4. Get new code and repair your UFT. Use git pull to update your UFT. Expect merge conflicts. Possibilities include:

    • In opcode.h, new opcodes GotoVcon and IfVconMatch may conflict.

    • New functions in asmutil.sml may conflict.

    • A new primitive in primitives.sml may conflict.

    • New cases in disambiguate.sml may conflict, especially for APPLY.

    • In uft.sml a new language ES may conflict.

    In order to be able to compile code during lab, you’ll have to patch your UFT:

    • File asm.sml defines a new form of assembly language: GOTO_VCON. That form has to be handled. For now, it can be handled by code that calls Impossible.exercise.

      • In file assembler.sml, handle the GOTO_VCON form in your fold function and in your labelElim function. Call Impossible.exercise. If you used ML’s case, this code might be useful:

        | A.GOTO_VCON _ => Impossible.exercise "GOTO_VCON"
      • In file asmparse.sml, handle the GOTO_VCON form in your unparser. Also call Impossible.exercise.

    • Extend your K-normalizer (knormalize.sml) to recognize patterns C.CONSTRUCTED _ and C.CASE _ and to respond to them with calls to Impossible.exercise.

      | C.CONSTRUCTED _ => Impossible.exercise "K-normalize data construction"
      | C.CASE _ => Impossible.exercise "K-normalize case expression"
    • In closure-convert.sml, update your free-variable analysis to handle the CONSTRUCTED and CASE forms. The analyses are provide in file case.sml, so you need only pass in your existing function:

      | free (X.CASE c) = free c
      | free (X.CONSTRUCTED c) = free c
    • Also in closure-convert.sml, extend your closure conversion to convert CONSTRUCTED and CASE forms. The conversion is entirely structural; my extensions look like this:

      | exp (X.CASE c) = C.CASE ( exp c)
      | exp (X.CONSTRUCTED c) = C.CONSTRUCTED ( exp c)
    • Add these definitions to the top of your KNormalize structure:

      structure MC = MatchCompiler(type register = int
                                   fun regString r = "$r" ^ Int.toString r
      structure MV = MatchViz(structure Tree = MC)
      val vizTree = MV.viz (WppScheme.expString o CSUtil.embedExp)

    Ensure that your UFT compiles.

  5. Extend K-normal form. Dive into your knf.sml and extend your K-normal form with two new syntactic forms. Each form has an operational semantics that is described informally in a comment.

      | BLOCK of 'a list
           (* allocate a block and initialize each slot with the
              corresponding register *)
      | SWITCH_VCON of 'a * ((Pattern.vcon * int) * 'a exp) list * 'a exp
           (* given SWITCH_VCON (r, choices, other), if the value in register
              r matches any (vcon, k) pair, then evaluate the corresponding
              expression, otherwise evaluate the other expression *)

    Update your KNF embedding (knembed.sml) to handle each of these forms with a call to Impossible.exercise.

    | exp (K.BLOCK _) = Impossible.exercise "embed K.BLOCK"
    | exp (K.SWITCH_VCON _) = Impossible.exercise "embed K.SWITCH_VCON"

    And update your code generator (codegen.sml) to handle each of these forms with a call to Impossible.exercise.

    | K.BLOCK _ => Impossible.exercise "codegen K.BLOCK"
    | K.SWITCH_VCON _ => Impossible.exercise "codegen K.SWITCH_VCON"

    And finally update knrename.sml to rename the two forms. With luck you may be able to use this code:

    | K.BLOCK xs => K.BLOCK <$> errorList (map f xs)
    | K.SWITCH_VCON (x, choices, fallthru) =>
        let fun choice (pat, e) = pair pat <$> mapx f e
        in  curry3 K.SWITCH_VCON <$> f x
                                 <*> Error.mapList choice choices
                                 <*> mapx f fallthru

    Ensure that your UFT compiles.

  6. Match-compilation reading. Pick up the handout on match compilation and the match-compilation paper by Kevin Scott and Norman Ramsey. Read enough so you have an idea what is going on with the tree type and with Figure 8. One of the core operations of Figure 8—refining constraints of the form \((\pi,p)\)—is the first half of lab.

Lab: Refinement and K-normalization

  1. Refine constraints. In file match-compiler.sml, implement function refineConstraint. Its type is

      val refineConstraint :
        register -> labeled_constructor -> constraint -> constraint list compatibility

    Aim for a clean function that type checks.

    There is a full explanation in the match-compilation handout, but to refine a given constraint \((\pi',p')\) using labeled constructor \(C/n\) at path \(\pi\), you can use these guidelines:

    • If the pair \((\pi', p')\) is unrelated to what’s happening at path \(\pi\), it If \(\pi' \ne \pi\) then \(\pi'\) and \(\pi\) refer to different locations. So the knowledge that \(C/n\) is seen at \(\pi\) doesn’t affect constraint \((\pi', p')\); \((\pi', p')\) just gets refined into the compatible, singleton list \([(\pi', p')]\).

    • If \(\pi' = \pi\) and the constructor’s name and arity match, that is, if the pair \((\pi', p')\) is \((\pi, C(p_1, \ldots, p_n))\), then it gets replaced by the list of compatible pairs \([(\pi.1, p_1), \ldots, (\pi.n, p_n)]\).2

    • If \(\pi'=\pi\) and \(p'\) is any other constructor application, then constraint \((\pi', p')\) is not compatible with seeing \(C/n\) at path \(\pi\), and refineConstraint returns INCOMPATIBLE.

    Plan on spending about half the lab the whole lab on refineConstraint and refineFrontier here. When you finish, either continue with function refineFrontier or move on to step 8.

After lab

K-normalization of case expressions

  1. K-normalize case expressions using decision trees. Return to your K-normalizer, and replace the call to Impossible.exercise with the following template (the template calls the match compiler and uses the resulting decision tree to generate K-normal form):

    | F.CASE (e, choices) => 
       (... normalize e into a register, using the following continuation ...) (fn t =>
         let fun treeGen = Impossible.exercise "treeGen"
             val _ = treeGen : regset -> F.exp MC.tree -> reg K.exp
             val A' = ... available registers minus t ...
         in  treeGen A' (vizTree (MC.decisionTree (t, choices)))

    The CASE form is defined in structure Case in file case.sml; variable e has type F.exp and variable choices has type (Pattern.pattern * F.exp) list.

    Function vizTree acts like an identity function, except it may also write a visualiation to disk.

    Define function treeGen.

Match compilation

  1. Match compilation: Refinement. Return to the match-compilation handout and the paper by Scott and Ramsey. In match-compiler.sml, if you did not finish functions refineConstraint and refineFrontier in lab, finish them now.

    Now implement function decisionTree. The TEST and MATCH nodes are described in the paper. When your match compiler produces a node of the form LET_CHILD ((\(r\), \(i\)), \(k\)), you define continuation \(k\). The continuation expects a new, temporary register, and it updates all the frontiers, substituting the new register for the old path CHILD (\(r\), \(i\)). Perform the substitution using function forPath.

    Ensure that your UFT compiles.

  2. If working locally, install Graphviz. If you work on your own local machine, install the Graphviz package with its dot command. If you are on Halligan, dot is already installed in /usr/sup/bin.

  3. Visualize results of match compilation. The example in Figure 6 of the paper can reproduced using this eScheme code:

    (define figure-6 (arg)
      (case arg
        [(C1 C2 C3) 'one]
        [(C1 x C4)  'two]
        [(C1 x C5)  'three]
        [_          'four]))
    (check-expect (figure-6 (C1 3 C4)) 'two)

    Place the code in file fig6.scm, and run

    $ case-viz fig6.scm

    Your UFT should crash with an uncaught Impossible exception, but before it does, it should write a visualization to file The case-viz script should process the visualization into PDF and then open the PDF.

    Notice that several leaves are duplicates. This duplication can be eliminated during code generation (for depth points).

K-normalization and embedding

  1. K-normalization of constructed data. K-normalize the F.CONSTRUCTED form. In the general case, the value constructor is turned into a string literal, and the whole lot go into a K.BLOCK form. But in order to continue using your legacy SVM representations of lists and Booleans, your K-normalizer should implement these special cases:

    | F.CONSTRUCTED ("#t", []) => ... literal (BOOL true) ...
    | F.CONSTRUCTED ("#f", []) => ... literal (BOOL false) ...
    | F.CONSTRUCTED ("cons", [x, y]) => ... application of P.cons ...
    | F.CONSTRUCTED ("'()", [])      => ... literal EMPTYLIST ...

    Get these special cases and the dual conLiteral into a UFT module of their own SpecialConstructors. E.g., val constructedSpecial : vcon * 'a K.exp list -> 'a K.exp And put this along side conLiteral.

  2. Embed the SWITCH_VCON and BLOCK forms. In file knembed.sml, update your K-normal form embedding to handle the new syntactic forms. Feel free to adapt my code:

    | embed (K.BLOCK xs) = S.APPLY (S.VAR "block", map S.VAR xs)
    | embed (K.SWITCH_VCON (x, choices, e)) =
        let val lastQa = [(S.LITERAL (S.BOOLV true), embed e)]
            fun isCon (vcon, arity) =
                  S.APPLY (S.VAR "matches-vcon-arity?",
                           [S.VAR x, S.LITERAL (S.SYM vcon), (S.LITERAL o S.INT) arity])
            fun qa (c, e) = (isCon c, embed e)
        in  S.COND (map qa choices @ lastQa)
  3. Test your match compiler using the embedding. Compile your UFT, then test the match compiler and embedding:

    $ uft es-kn fig6.scm | vscheme

Fix a bug in closures and blocks.

  1. Correct a bug that applies to CLOSURE and BLOCK forms.

    Assuming n is a local variable with value 99, the following code should set n to (C1 99 100) but instead it sets the second slot of n to point to n itself:3

    (set n (C1 n 100)))

    The same bug manifests with closures. Your UFT has the bug if it fails this test:

    (define id (x) x)
    (define simplify (x)
      (lambda ()
        (id (lambda () x))))
    (check-expect (((simplify 99))) 99)

    In both cases the difficulty is the same: the K-normalizer thinks that BLOCK and CLOSURE can be implemented in a single, atomic VM instruction, which implies that a BLOCK or CLOSURE value can be placed in a register that is also one of its arguments—just like an add instruction.

    We can solve this problem during K-normalization by allocating a fresh register and assigning the BLOCK or CLOSURE form to it, which is done by the K-normal form x := e, where e is the normal form of the BLOCK or CLOSURE. The K-normalizer needs to allocate register x; I recommend this function, which does it in continuation-passing style:

    val inLocalVar : regset -> (reg -> exp) -> exp =
      fn rs => fn k => let val t = smallest rs in K.SETLOCAL (t, k t) end

    My new code for K-normalizing a closure now looks something like this:

    | F.CLOSURE (lambda, captured) =>
        if null captured then
          K.FUNCODE (funcode lambda)
          inLocalVar rs (fn t =>
             nbRegs bindAnyReg (rs -- t) captured (fn ys =>
               K.CLOSURE (funcode lambda, ys)))

    Something similar needs to be done for the general case of K-normalizing CONSTRUCTED into BLOCK.

Code generation

  1. Generate code for the BLOCK form. In codegen.sml, the K.BLOCK form has to be handled only in function toReg. The code should be very similar to the code you generate for the K.CLOSURE form. In forEffect, a K.BLOCK generates no code, just like a K.CLOSURE. And toReturn can delegate to toReg.

  2. Determine representations for value constructors in case expressions, including legacy value constructors. In step 12 you wrote special-case code for the introduction form of constructed data. The special-case code enables your SVM to continue to use its special-case, efficient representations of constructed Booleans and lists. You also need to enable the Scheme case expression (the elimination form) to recognize these special-case representations.

    To eliminate Boolean and list values using special-case code, you will use a trick that also allows integer literals to act like constructed data in patterns. The trick is to convert each labeled constructor to an appropriate literal value that can represent the constructor in assembly code and object code. The conversion can be done by this function:

    val conLiteral : labeled_constructor -> A.literal

    When value constructors #t and #f are used with arity 0, they should be converted to Boolean literals. Value constructor ’(), when used with arity 0, should be converted to an empty-list literal. And when a constructor used with arity 0 has a name made entirely of digits, it should be converted to an integer literal. Every other constructor should be converted to a string literal.

    Pitfall: Function Int.fromString can’t be trusted: it works even if only a prefix of the string given is an integer. Validate the name using the predicate CharVector.all Char.isDigit.

    In file codegen.sml, implement function conLiteral.4

  3. Generate code for SWITCH_VCON. Like the IFX form, the SWITCH_VCON form has subexpressions whose code generation depends on context:

    • If a SWITCH_VCON form puts its result in a register, each subexpression puts its result in that same register.
    • If a SWITCH_VCON is executed for side effect, each subexpression is executed for side effect.
    • And if a SWITCH_VCON is in tail position (returned), each subexpression is in tail position.

    To avoid writing three copies of the same code, I defined an auxiliary function:

    switchVcon :  (exp -> code) 
               -> code 
               -> reg * (labeled_constructor * exp) list * exp 
               -> code

    where exp is KNF and code is a Hughes list of assembly instructions.

    Calling switchVcon gen finish (r, choices, fallthru) generates code as follows:

    • Each subexpression is translated using gen, and its translation is followed by (a copy of) finish.

    • Every subexpression except fallthru is preceded by the definition of a fresh label.

    • The code returned by switchVcon starts with an AssemblyCode.GOTO_VCON form, which contains a jump table. That form is followed by the translation of fallthru. And that translation is followed by the translations of all the other expressions in any order, each of which is preceded by the definition of its corresponding label.

    During the construction of the jump table. each labeled_constructor is converted to an ObjectCode.literal and an arity. To compute the literal, use the function conLiteral that you defined in step 17.

    Implement switchVcon and use it in toReg, forEffect, and toReturn. In the first two cases, the finish parameter should contain an unconditional jump to an exit label. For toReturn, the finish parameter should be empty.

Assembly and disassembly

  1. Unparse the GOTO_VCON form. In file asmparse.sml, update your unparser to handle the GOTO_VCON form. Like LOADFUNC, GOTO_VCON should unparse to multiple lines. That’s important for preserving indentation.

    My code might help; it probably won’t compile in your UFT, but it can probably be adapted:

    | unparse (A.GOTO_VCON (r, choices) :: instructions) =
        let fun choice (v, arity, lbl) =
               spaceSep ["  case", lit v, "(" ^ int arity ^ "):", "goto", lbl]
        in  spaceSep ["switch", reg r, "{"] :: map choice choices @ "}" ::
            unparse instructions
  2. Test code generation. Using your new unparser, check on the results of your code generator from step 18. For example, when I run mine on fig6.scm, I get these results:

    $ uft es-vs fig6.scm
    r0 := function (1 arguments) {
      switch r1 {
        case "C1" (2): goto L1
      r0 := "four"
      return r0
      r2 := block r1⟨1⟩
      switch r2 {
        case "C2" (0): goto L2
      r3 := block r1⟨2⟩
      switch r3 {
        case "C5" (0): goto L3
        case "C4" (0): goto L4
      r0 := "four"
      return r0
      r0 := "three"
      return r0
      ... more where this came from ...
  3. Assemble the GOTO_VCON form. In file assembler.sml, update your fold function to account for the number of instructions emitted for a GOTO_VCON form: it is one plus twice the number of choices.

    Update your labelElim function to assemble the GOTO_VCON form. It should generate a GOTO_VCON instruction from the ObjectCode module, followed by a pair of instructions for each choice: one REGSLIT instruction with the if-vcon-match opcode, and one GOTO instruction.

    This code offers ample opportunity for off-by-one errors.

  4. Prepare to disassemble the new instructions in svm-dis. In your SVM directory, add new instructions to file instructions.c. You are welcome to copy my entries:

    { "mkblock", MkBlock, parseR2U8, "rX := block[rY,Z]" },
    { "getblockslot", GetBlockSlot, parseR2U8, "rX := block rY.Z" },
    { "setblockslot", SetBlockSlot, parseR2U8, "block rX.Z := rY" },
    { "goto-vcon", GotoVcon, parseR1U8, "goto-vcon rX [Y slots]" },
    { "if-vcon-match", IfVconMatch, parseU8LIT, "if vcon == LIT/X then" },

    Add opcodes MkBlock, GetBlockSlot, SetBlockSlot, GotoVcon, and IfVconMatch to your opcode.h file.

    Run make, which should rebuild both svm and svm-dis.

  5. Inspect object code. Run your object code through the disassembler and confirm that it looks as you expect. Pay special attention to PC-relative branches. My object code for fig6.scm, which I believe now eliminate “now” respects the operational semantics,5 disassembles like this:

    $ uft es-vo fig6.scm | svm-dis -pc
      0: r0 := function 0x564793125d00
      1: global `figure-6` := r0
    ;    function at literal 15
      0: goto-vcon r1 [1 slots]
      1: if vcon == "C1"/2 then
      2: goto $PC + 2
      3: r0 := "four"
      4: return r0
      5: r2 := block r1.1
      6: goto-vcon r2 [1 slots]
      7: if vcon == "C2"/0 then
      8: goto $PC + 12
      9: r3 := block r1.2
     10: goto-vcon r3 [2 slots]
     11: if vcon == "C5"/0 then
     12: goto $PC + 4
     13: if vcon == "C4"/0 then
     14: goto $PC + 4
     15: r0 := "four"
     16: return r0
     17: r0 := "three"
     18: return r0
     19: r0 := "two"
     20: return r0
     21: r3 := block r1.2
     22: goto-vcon r3 [3 slots]
     23: if vcon == "C5"/0 then
     24: goto $PC + 6
     25: if vcon == "C4"/0 then
     26: goto $PC + 6
     27: if vcon == "C3"/0 then
     28: goto $PC + 6
     29: r0 := "four"
     30: return r0
     31: r0 := "three"
     32: return r0
     33: r0 := "two"
     34: return r0
     35: r0 := "one"
     36: return r0
     37: halt

New SVM instructions

  1. Put symbol cons where your vmrun can access it quickly. To keep working with legacy representations of lists, your vmrun function needs access to the literal symbol cons. I made my life easy by adding this symbol’s location to the VM state. I add the symbol in my newstate function:

    vm->cons_sym_slot = literal_slot(vm, mkStringValue(Vmstring_newc("cons")));

    My vmrun then places the symbol in a local variable:

    Value cons_symbol = vm->literals[vm->cons_sym_slot]; // restore me after GC
  2. Implement the block instructions. In vmrun.c, implement instructions mkblock, getblockslot, and setblockslot. Functions mkblock and setblockslot can be modeled on existing closure instructions. But getblockslot needs to handle both blocks and cons cells. Mine makes a cons cell masquerade as a block with three slots:

    case GetBlockSlot: {
        struct VMBlock *block = RY.block;
        if (RY.tag == ConsCell) {
            switch (Z) {
            case 0: RX = cons_symbol; break;
            case 1: case 2: RX = block->slots[Z - 1]; break;
            default: runerror("A cons cell does not have a slot %d", Z);
        } else {
            assert(RY.tag == Block);
            RX = getrecord(vm, block->slots, block->nslots, Z);

    This embarrassing masquerade can be eliminated for depth points.

  3. Add a debugging flag. At the top of your vmrun function, add this definition:

    const char *dump_case = svmdebug_value("case");
  4. Implement computed goto. The GotoVcon instruction must first compute a labeled constructor from the value of the scrutinee, then search the jump table for a corresponding entry. The labeled constructor comprises a constructor value and an arity. It is computed by these rules:

    • If the value of the scrutinee is a block \(b\), then the constructor’s value is \(b\)->slots[0] and its arity is \(b\)->nslots - 1.

    • If the value of the scrutinee is a cons cell, then the constructor’s value is the string cons and its arity is 2.

    • If the value of the scrutinee is any other value \(v\), then the constructor’s value is \(v\) and its arity is zero.

    Given the labeled constructor’s value and arity, the GotoVcon instruction searches for a jump-table entry with a matching value and arity. Since each jump-table entry is coded as a pair of VM instructions, you can extract the expected arity in the X field of the first instruction. The value is found in the literal table at index YZ of that same instruction.

    The next instruction specifies the address to which to transfer control if the value and arity match. That next instruction is a Goto, and it codes for the target address in the usual way (the 24-bit signed offset in the XYZ field, relative to the address immediately following the Goto).

    Implement GotoVcon.

    If dump_case is not NULL, show the value of the scrutinee, and show the constructor and arity you have computed for that value. Also, for each IfVconMatch instruction that is checked for a match, show the constructor and arity that are being checked.


  1. Recommendations for testing. The eScheme parser understands μML code, and I’ve added predefined μML functions to file in the src/vscheme directory. You can read more about μML in chapter 8 of Programming Languages: Build, Prove, and Compare.

    For testing, I recommend three phases:

    1. As an initial test, the split function below does not depend on any predefined functions. It splits a list into two parts of equal size. (It’s part of a merge sort.)

      (define split (xs half other-half)
                     (case xs
                        ['() (PAIR half other-half)]
                        [(cons y ys)
                            (split ys other-half (cons y half))]))
      (check-expect (split '(1 2) '() '()) (PAIR '(1) '(2)))
      (check-expect (split '(1 2 3 4) '() '()) (PAIR '(3 1) '(4 2)))

      You can run code with script run-es-with-predef. Or more likely,

      env SVMDEBUG=decode,case run-es-with-predef
    2. Next, look over the predefined functions. Quite a few are defined using case forms. Use some of these functions to Write some simple check-expect tests.

    3. As an integration test, try the 2D-tree code described in the Supplement to Build, Prove, and Compare in section E.2, which starts on page S125. This code implements an elegant geometric algorithm which searches a map for the known point that is nearest to an arbitrary query point. To provide a test case, I’ve translated the gis.uml file to, which required only eta-expanding a few value constructors. I also provide the file, which includes a check-expect test for the query shown on page S134. That code exercises value constructors and case expressions on non-list, non-Boolean data.

What and how to submit

  1. On Monday, submit the homework. In the src/uft directory you’ll find a file SUBMIT.12. That file needs to be edited to answer the same questions you answer every week.

    To submit, you’ll need to copy your working tree to the department servers. We recommend using rsync, but scp also works.

    Now log into a department server, change to your working tree, and submit your entire src directory:

    provide cs106 hw12 src

    or if you keep an additional tests directory,

    provide cs106 hw12 src tests
  2. On Tuesday, submit your reflection. Create a plain text file REFLECTION, which will hold your claims for project points and depth points.

    For each project point you claim, write the number of the point, plus whatever is called for in the section “How to claim the project points”—usually a few sentences.

    Now copy your REFLECTION file to a department server and submit it using provide:

    provide cs106 reflection12 REFLECTION

Reading in depth

Occasionally I’ll suggest reading that may enrich your view of programming-language implementation.

Learning outcomes

Outcomes available for points

Learning outcomes available for project points:

  1. Craft. You can extend both UFT and SVM with a new feature.

  2. Nested patterns. You understand the capabilities of nested patterns.

  3. Pattern visualization. You can use visualizations to analyze the result of compiling different case expressions.

  4. Inexhaustive pattern matches. Your match compiler grasps the possibility that in any given case expression, there may be no match.

  5. Static types and pattern matching. You understand the consequences of match compilation in a world where there are no static types.

  6. Representations of constructed data, part I. You understand the run-time consequences of using a uniform representation for constructed data.

  7. Representations of constructed data, part II. You understand the compile-time consequences of using a uniform representation for constructed data.

  8. Address computation. Your assembler accurately computes the target of every branch in a computed goto.

  9. Efficient computed goto. Your SVM interprets GotoVcon and its jump table together as one big instruction.

Learning outcomes available for depth points:

  1. Static types [2 points]. Suppose your UFT had static types, so any time it saw a list it would know the only possibilities were empty or nonempty. How would you exploit this knowledge to improve run-time performance?

    • What would you change about SVM instructions?

    • How would you change the code generated by the UFT?
  2. Code generation using a directed acyclic graph (DAG) [4 points]. In general, the match compiler produces a decision tree whose leaves contain multiple copies of values of type ’a. Our simple K-normalizer and code generator will likely turn multiple copies of source expressions into multiple copies of assembly-code fragments. But by the time we reach assembly language, the GOTO_VCON form branches to a label—there is no need to copy the code. To earn these depth points, refactor your UFT so that it copies only labels, not code.

    This challenge could be approached in several ways:

    • Define a new KNF form that can represent a DAG using (scoped) labels. Match-compile with a unique label for each choice. If two leaves of the decision tree use the same label with the same environment, they can share code.

    • Define a decision-tree form in KNF. During code generation, use the standard algorithm to convert the tree to a DAG.

    • Leave the data structures exactly as they are. But during code generation, recover the decision tree from a nest of SWITCH_VCON and LET nodes, then use the standard algorithm to convert the tree to a DAG.

  3. Alternate run-time representations [7 points]. On an alternate Git branch, change your SVM to eliminate the Boolean, Emptylist, and ConsCell tags from value.h. Also eliminate all the code associated with these tags, and every related SVM instruction except if. In eScheme, reimplement car, cdr, pair?, and null? using case expressions. Then report on your experience:

    • How does this change simplify the SVM? In your answer, include measurements of the code savings. (Lines of code will be sufficient.)

    • How does this change affect run time? Devise a suitable benchmark that uses lists and Booleans, and quantify the cost (or savings).

  4. Native list operations [2 points]. In the SVM, I find it vaguely embarrassing that my GetBlockSlot instruction has to enable a cons cell to masquerade as a block. Eliminate the masquerade:

    • Extend the path type in the match compiler to include two new forms CAR of register and CDR of register.

    • Change the LET_CHILD form to take a path instead of a register * int, and change the code generator so it can emit car and cdr primitives for those paths. You’ll need equations like this one:

      𝓡\(r\)LET_CHILD (CAR \(r\), \(k\))⟧ = let \(t\) = car(\(r\)) in \(k\) \(t\),

    • Remove the special case from the implementation of GetBlockSlot in vmrun.c.

How to claim the project points

  1. To claim this point, submit a source tree in which make successfully builds a UFT and an SVM, when run in directories src/uft and src/svm respectively.

  2. To claim this point, take two useful case expressions with nested patterns, either from your UFT or your 105 homework. In a file nested.scm, define functions f and g that contain eScheme case expressions that use the same patterns in the same order. Then define equivalent functions f-unnested and g-unnested, each of which performs the computation using nested case expressions—not nested patterns. Do not use if.

    The equivalence I wish to see is observational equivalence: two functions are equivalent if no program can tell the difference.

  3. To claim this point, use the case-viz script to visualize functions f and f-unnested from the previous point. The visualization of f-unnested will contain two or more decision trees. Splice them together either by drawing pictures or by doctoring the file. Compare the trees for the two files:

    • Do you expect nested case expressions to amount to the same decision tree as one case expression with nested patterns? Or just an equivalent decision tree? Why or why not?

    • Explain whether the trees produced by your match compiler do or do not meet your expectations.

  4. To claim this point, submit a file nomatch.scm which evaluates a case expression in which no choice matches. Your submission earns the point if the code compiles and runs with your UFT and SVM, producing a suitable run-time error message.

  5. In ML, the type of each scrutinee is known, and that type is associated with a finite, known set of value constructors. Explain the consequences for match compilation. Illustrate your explanation with the standard map function: how would it be compiled for eScheme, and how would it be compiled for ML? What is the key difference?

  6. In steps 12 and 17, I’ve encouraged you to special-case representations of Booleans and lists. But in the μML interpreter, Booleans and lists are predefined, not primitive, and they use the same representations as all other constructed data. To claim this point, suppose you wished to implement the same plan in your own system. Identify the code that would have to change in vmrun.c, value.h, and value.c.

  7. In steps 12 and 17, I’ve encouraged you to special-case representations of Booleans and lists. But in the μML interpreter, Booleans and lists are predefined, not primitive, and they use the same representations as all other constructed data. To claim this point, suppose you wished to implement the same plan in your own system. Identify the code that would have to change in your K-normalizer, your code generator, and your disambiguator.

  8. To claim this point, copy fig6.scm into file fig6-extended.scm, and add check-expect tests that call function figure-6 expecting results 'one, 'three, and 'four. Your system earns the point if the code compiles and all the tests pass.

  9. To claim this point, submit an implementation of GotoVcon that searches the jump table and chooses a target address, without returning to the main interpreter loop.

  1. A constant number of VM instructions.

  2. The paper writes paths backwards, as \(1.\pi\) and so on. We must have been insane.

  3. A value like this sends my printer into a tizzy. I might try to fix it later in the week.

  4. Although the elimination form is handled in codegen.sml, the introduction form is handled in knormalize.sml. This structure just about kills me, but I don’t have time to fix it. FIX IT

  5. The branch is relative to the address following the goto instruction.