
Primary Faculty

Bert Huang's headshot

Bert Huang

Assistant Professor (CS)

Interests: Structured prediction, weak supervision, algorithmic fairness

Applications: social network analysis, cyberbullying detection, recommender systems

Courses: TBA

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Mike Hughes' headshot

Mike Hughes

Assistant Professor (CS)

Interests: Bayesian nonparametrics, variational inference, explainable AI

Applications: clinical informatics, human activity time series

Courses: Intro to ML, Bayesian Deep Learning

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Liping Liu's headshot

Liping Liu

Assistant Professor (CS)

Interests: probabilistic graphical models, Bayesian deep learning, spatial data modeling, text modeling

Applications: ecology and sustainability, recommendation systems

Courses: Intro to Machine Learning, Deep Neural Networks

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Related Faculty

Jivko Sinapov's Headshot

Jivko Sinapov

Assistant Prof. (CS)

Interests: Robotics, Reinforcement learning

Applications: Robotics

Courses: Reinforcement Learning

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Matthias's Headshot

Matthias Scheutz

Professor (CS)

Interests: learning from instructions and observations, hierarchical Bayesian models, Dempster-Shafer theory

Applications: Robotics

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James Murphy's Headshot

James Murphy

Assistant Prof. (Mathematics)

Interests: Harmonic analysis, high-dimensional statistics, statistical and machine learning, statistical signal processing, image processing

Courses: MATH 123: Math Aspects of Data Analysis

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Deborah's Headshot

Deborah Sunter

Assistant Prof. (Mech. E.)

Interests: computational modeling, data science, sustainability, energy policy

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Shuchin's Headshot

Shuchin Aeron

Associate Prof. (ECE)

Interests: statistical signal processing, information theory, convex optimization

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Eric's Headshot

Eric Miller

Professor (ECE)

Interests: signal processing, inverse problems, image processing

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Alva's Headshot

Alva Couch

Professor (CS)

Interests: Geo-informatics, Data Science, Recommendation Systems theory

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Anselm's Headshot

Anselm Blumer

Associate Prof. Emeritus (CS)

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Graduate Students

Dan Banco Headshot

Daniel Banco

Interests: Machine learning, Imaging, Computer Vision

Applications: Materials characterization, MRI

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Dylan Headshot

Dylan Cashman

Interests: Interactive Machine Learning, Visualization for Interpretable AI, Human-centered Model Selection

Applications: Cybersecurity, Language

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Kevin Headshot

Kevin Cheng

Interests: Medical Imaging, Machine Learning, Signal and Image Processing

Applications: Cognitive Science, System Modeling, Healthcare

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