Modules and Abstract Types

COMP 105 Assignment

Due Tuesday, April 9, 2019 at 11:59PM


To build systems at scale, we break them into modules, and we put abstraction barriers between the modules. The most effective abstraction barrier we have is data abstraction. It’s a key element in the design of systems implemented in Ada, C, C++, Eiffel, Go, Haskell, Java, and related languages. Modules and abstract types are supported by concepts and mechanisms that you’ll learn in the context of Standard ML, which, not coincidentally, has one of the most expressive and powerful system-level abstraction mechanisms ever created.

In this assignment, you will

You’ll accomplish these ends by completing the four parts of the assignment:

Overall, you’ll answer reading-comprehension questions, you’ll deliver four modules, and you’ll assemble the abstraction functions and the invariants from your modules. As usual, you do reading-comprehension questions on your own. You may tackle the modules either on your own or with a partner.

Note: Because you’re creating modules, not just functions, and you’re also learning some new technology, you’ll do a lot of reading before you write your first line of code. This experience makes the assignment feel time-consuming, but overall, students report spending the same amount of time on this assignment as on other assignments.


The code in this handout is installed for you in /comp/105/lib, where you don’t have to look at it. You will compile your own code using a special script, compile105-sml, which is available on the servers through the usual command use comp105. This script does not produce any executable binaries. Instead, it creates binary modules (“.uo files”) that you can load into Moscow ML, as in load "ags";. You can use it to compile all files or just a single file:

compile105-sml ags.sml

To be able to load the binaries that we provide, you must supply an additional argument to mosmlc and mosml, as in

    mosml -I /comp/105/lib -P full

If you run into any surprises, consult Appendix I below, which explains, in detail, your options for compiling.

Dire warnings

Unless otherwise noted below, functions and constructs that were forbidden on earlier assignments remain forbidden.

In addition,


For this homework, you will need to understand the ML Modules section of “Learning Standard ML.” The book chapter on modules, chapter 9, is not included in your edition—the chapter is in the middle of a major revision, and the current state of the draft is very confusing. Instead of the confusing draft, we recommend the sixth lesson on program design: “Program design with abstract data types.”

You’ll also need to understand section 9.10.2, “Arbitrary-precision integer arithmetic”, starting on page 729 of Programming Languages: Build, Prove, and Compare. This section is included in your abridged edition, even though the complete text of chapter 9 is not. The book section contains everything you need to know, but we recommend an additional handout, “Mastering Multiprecision Arithmetic”, which provides many hints about implementation.

Reading comprehension

These questions will help guide you through the reading. We recommend that you complete them before starting the other exercises below. You can download the questions.

  1. (NOT ON THE READING.) Throughout the term, your code’s functional correctness has been assessed by automated testing. The automated test scripts are intended not only to assign a grade but to identify the most important fault in the code. When our scripts find faults, how often do you understand the reports?

    Please answer “Always,” “Mostly”, “Sometimes”, “Seldom”, “Rarely”, “Never”, or “I don’t read those reports”:

  2. Using one of the sources in the ML learning guide, read about structures, signatures, and matching. Then answer questions about the structure and signature below.

    The following structure contains definitions that should be familiar from the ML homework and from code you may have seen in the course interpreters:

    structure ExposedEnv = struct
      type name   = string
      type 'a env = (name * 'a) list
      exception NotFound of name
      val emptyEnv = []
      fun lookup (name, [])              = raise NotFound name
        | lookup (name, (x, v) :: pairs) =
            if x = name then v else lookup (name, pairs)
      fun bindVar (name, value, env) = (name, value) :: env

    Here is a signature:

    signature ENV = sig
      type name = string
      type 'a env
      val emptyEnv : 'a env
      val lookup   : name * 'a env -> 'a
      val bindVar  : name * 'a * 'a env -> 'a env

    Answer these questions:

    1. Does the structure match the signature? That is, if we write

      structure Env :> ENV = ExposedEnv

      does the resulting code typecheck? Please answer yes or no.

    2. Does the signature expose enough information for us to write the following function? Please answer yes or no.

      fun extendEnv (names, vals, rho) =
        ListPair.foldrEq Env.bindVar rho (names, vals)
    3. Does the signature expose enough information for us to write the following function? Please answer yes or no.

      fun isBound (name, rho) = (Env.lookup (name,rho) ; true) 
                                handle Env.NotFound _ => false
    4. If in part (b) or part (c), if it is not possible to write the function given, change the signature to make it possible. If necessary, please copy, paste, and edit your new version in here:

    5. Suppose I change the ENV signature to make the name type abstract, so the code reads

      signature ENV' = sig
        type name
        type 'a env
        val emptyEnv : 'a env
        val lookup   : name * 'a env -> 'a
        val bindVar  : name * 'a * 'a env -> 'a env
      structure Env' :> ENV' = ExposedEnv

      The new structure Env', sealed with signature ENV', is useless. Please explain why it is useless:

    You now have the basic ideas needed to understand what is being asked of you in this assignment, and you know enough to implement most of a game (exercise G).

  3. An ML functor is a function that operates on the module level. Think of it as a “module in waiting” or a “module builder.” A functor’s formal parameters, if any, are specified by a sequence of declarations, and its actual parameters are given by a sequence of definitions. A functor’s result is a structure. Read about functors in Harper, as recommended in the ML learning guide, then answer the questions below.

    Here’s a typical application of functors. To keep track of the thousands of tests we run on students’ code, I need an efficient “test set” data structure. But not all tests have the same type. To reuse the data structure with tests of different types, I need a functor. My “test set” functor needs access to these operations:

    • A function that, given a test, returns a string identifying the student who wrote the test
    • A comparison function that provides a total order on tests
    • A function that converts a test to a string, for printing

    Using this information, answer parts (a) and (b):

    1. Write down the information needed for a test set in the form of formal parameters for the functor TestSetFun, keeping in mind that a functor’s formal parameters are written as a sequence of declarations:

      functor TestSetFun(
                         ... fill in declarations here ...
          :> TEST_SET = struct ... end  (* ignore this part *)

      The formal parameters must include a declaration that specifies the type of a test, plus enough operations to provide the information needed above.

    2. Now focus your attention on one particular test, the check-type test. Its representation given by these definitions:

      type uid = string
      type check_type_test = 
        uid * int * exp * ty  (* int is sequence number *)

      The actual parameters to TestSetFun must give check_type_test as the type of test, and they must provide the operations specified by the formal parameters. Show how to create a set of check-type tests by filling in the actual parameters for the TestSetFun functor:

      structure CheckTypeSet :> TEST_SET where type test = check_type_test
                 ... fill in definitions here ...

      The important part here is knowing what definitions to write as actual parameters. The actual parameters must define all the types and the operations expected as formal parameters. You may also include as many extra definitions as you like—extra definitions are ignored. Here are some useful extra definitions:

      fun uid          (u, _, _, _) = u
      fun serialNumber (_, k, _, _) = k
      fun exp          (_, _, e, _) = e
      fun ty           (_, _, _, t) = t

      When writing your the required definitions, feel free to use these code snippets:

      • For comparison,

        case (uid1, uid2)
          of EQUAL => (seqno1, seqno2)
           | diff  => diff
      • For string conversion,

        concat ["(check-type ", expString e, " " , tyString tau, ")"]

        Assume that functions expString and tyString are given.

      Please write your answer above where it says to fill in the definitions.

    You now understand functors well enough to use them in exercises I and A.

  4. Read about “signature refinement or specialization” in the ML learning guide. Now,

    1. Explain what, in part (b) of the previous question, is going on with the where type syntax.

    2. Explain what would go wrong if we wrote this code instead:

      structure CheckTypeSet :> TEST_SET = TestSetFun(...)

    You now know how to refine the result signature of your Abstract Game Solver in exercise A.

  5. Read about abstraction functions and invariants in the lesson “Program design with abstract data types”. Then, from the ML homework, review the algebraic data type from the natural-number problems, and review the list-with-indicator abstraction.

    Now answer these questions:

    1. The lesson describes a sorted list as one possible representation for a set. Define a function invariant that takes as argument a list of integers and returns a Boolean saying if the list is sorted in strictly ascending order (that is, increasing, with no repeats). You may use ML or μScheme, and you may reuse any function assigned for homework this term:

    2. In the ML homework, the algebraic type nat satisfies two invariants. In ML, define a function invariant of type nat -> bool, which returns true if and only if the given representation satisfies both invariants:

    3. In the ML homework, the 'a ilist represents an abstraction “list with indicator.” I ask you to pretend that this abstraction is a value of type 'a indicated list, where exactly one element is indicated, and indicated is defined by

      datatype 'a indicated
        = INDICATED   of 'a
        | UNINDICATED of 'a

      Using your chosen representation of 'a ilist, or, if you did not complete the problem, the representation from the model solutions, define an ML function absfun of type 'a ilist ‑> 'a indicated list, which acts as the abstraction function for the list with indicator. This function acts as the 𝒜 function from the design lesson:

    You are now ready to write abstraction functions and invariants in exercises I, N, C, and ADT.

  6. Read about short division starting on page 734 of the book, and in “Mastering Multiprecision Arithmetic”.

    1. Divide 2918 by 7, calculating both quotient and remainder.
      At each step, you divide a two-digit number by 7. The remainder is passed along to form the next two-digit number.

      7 | 2 9 1 8

      At each step of the computation, you will take a two-digit dividend, divide by 7, and give quotient and remainder. The first step is

        02 divided by 7  ==  0 remainder 2
        29 divided by 7  ==  ...

      There are four steps in total. Edit the text above to state the dividend, divisor, quotient, and remainder at each step. Here, write the final four-digit quotient and the one-digit remainder:

    You are now ready to implement short division on natural numbers (for exercise N).

  7. Going back to the same reading, and following the examples in the section “Using short division for base conversion,” convert a number from decimal to binary and another number from decimal to octal.

    1. Using repeated division by 2, convert decimal 13 to binary. The “Mastering Multiprecision Arithmetic” handout shows the form, so please just fill in the right-hand sides here:

        q0 =           r0 = 
        q1 =           r1 = 
        q2 =           r2 = 
        q3 =           r3 = 

      Now write the converted numeral here:

    2. Using repeated division by 8, convert decimal 25 to octal 31. Follow the same model: at each step, give the intermediate quotient and remainder, and then form the final quotient by reading off the remainders.

    You are now ready to implement the decimal operation on natural numbers (for exercise N). This will also enable you to implement the toString operation on signed integers.

Programming, part one: Arbitrary-precision numbers

Standard ML’s primitive type int is limited to machine precision. If arithmetic on int results in a value that is too large or too small to fit in one word, the primitive functions raise Overflow. In the next two exercises, you will implement a true integer abstraction, called bigint, which never raises Overflow (but it could run out of memory).

You will implement this interface:

signature BIGNUM = sig
   type bigint

   exception BadDivision                (* contract violation for sdiv *)

   val ofInt   : int -> bigint
   val negated : bigint -> bigint       (* "unary minus" *)
   val <+>     : bigint * bigint -> bigint
   val <->     : bigint * bigint -> bigint
   val <*>     : bigint * bigint -> bigint
   val sdiv    : bigint * int -> { quotient : bigint, remainder : int }

     (* Contract for "short division" sdiv, which is defined only on
        *nonnegative* integers:

        Provided 0 < d <= K and n >= 0,
          sdiv (n, d) returns { quotient = q, remainder = r }
        such that
          n == q /*/ ofInt d /+/ ofInt r
          0 <= r < d

        Given a d out of range or a negative n, 
        sdiv (n, d) raises BadDivision
        The constant K depends on the number of bits in a machine
        integer, so it is not specified, but it is known to be at
        least 10.

   val compare : bigint * bigint -> order

   val toString : bigint -> string

     (* toString n returns a string giving the natural 
        representation of n in the decimal system.  If n is
        negative, toString should use the conventional minus sign "-".

        And when toString returns a string containing two or more digits,
        the first digit must not be zero.


You will not build your implementation from scratch. Instead, you will use ML’s functor mechanism to build on top of natural numbers. Natural numbers implement this interface:

signature NATURAL = sig
   type nat
   exception Negative     (* the result of an operation is negative *)
   exception BadDivisor   (* divisor out of acceptable range *)

   val ofInt : int -> nat          (* could raise Negative *)
   val /+/   : nat * nat -> nat
   val /-/   : nat * nat -> nat    (* could raise Negative *)
   val /*/   : nat * nat -> nat
   val sdiv  : nat * int -> { quotient : nat, remainder : int }

     (* Contract for "Short division" sdiv:

        Provided 0 < d <= K,
          sdiv (n, d) returns { quotient = q, remainder = r }
        such that
          n == q /*/ ofInt d /+/ ofInt r
          0 <= r < d

        Given a d out of range, sdiv (n, d) raises BadDivisor

        The constant K depends on the number of bits in a machine
        integer, so it is not specified, but it is known to be at
        least 10.
   val compare : nat * nat -> order

   val decimal : nat -> int list

     (* decimal n returns a list giving the natural decimal
        representation of n, most significant digit first.
        For example,  decimal (ofInt 123) = [1, 2, 3]
                      decimal (ofInt 0)   = [0]
        It must never return an empty list.
        And when it returns a list of two or more digits,
        the first digit must not be zero.

  val invariant : nat -> bool  (* representation invariant---instructions below *)


In exercises I and N below, you implement both interfaces. You can do them in either order.

Programming exercise I: Integers from natural numbers

Abstract data type: large integers. In file bignum.sml, define a functor BignumFn that takes as its argument a structure N matching signature NATURAL, and returns as its result a structure matching signature BIGNUM. Your functor should look like this:

functor BignumFn(structure N : NATURAL) :> BIGNUM
  ... sequence of definitions here ...

Within the body of the functor, you refer to the representation of natural numbers as type N.nat, and you call operations using the fully qualified names of the functions as in N./+/ (n, m).

ML syntax hint: The introduction form for the quotient/remainder record is

{ quotient = e1, remainder = e2 }

for any expressions e1 and e2.

The elimination form is

let val { quotient = q, remainder = r } = …

for any patterns q and r. (Variables will do nicely.)

How big is it? My implementation is about 70 lines, of which about 15 are blank.

Representation, abstraction function, and invariant

What you need to know about an integer is how big it is and whether it is negative: its magnitude and sign. Within that constraint, you have your choice of representations. Several representations will work; here are three good ones:

Each of these representations has its advantages, and they all work. Pick what you think will make your job easy.

Document your representation by writing down the abstraction function and invariant:

Put the abstraction function and invariant inside your BignumFn functor, right after the definition of type bigint.

Two mild warnings and one dire warning

The only major pitfall in this abstraction is that the integer zero is likely to have two or even three different representations. You must make it impossible for client code to distinguish them. That is, it must be impossible for me to write a program that uses the BIGNUM interface and can tell one representation of zero from another. The risks are greatest in exported functions compare and toString.

There is also a minor pitfall: if a small-minded person hands you the most negative integer (see Int.minInt), its magnitude cannot be represented as a machine integer. To compute the magnitude of a negative integer safely, use the following steps:

  1. Add one to the negative integer
  2. Negate the sum
  3. Convert the result to nat
  4. Add one to the nat

The dire warning is this: do not include large integer literals, like ~4611686018427387904, in your source code. Your code won’t compile on our test machine, and you will get No Credit. You do not need to mess around with Int.minInt, but if you feel compelled to do so, refer to it by name.

Guidance: infix operators

Inside your BignumFn functor, I recommend you change the “fixity” of the major operators so you can write both calls and definitions using infix notation. Here’s all you have to write:

infix 6 <+> <->
infix 7 <*> sdiv

If you also want to use the operations from the NATURAL interface as infix operators, try something like this:

val /+/ = N./+/
val /-/ = N./-/
val /*/ = N./*/

infix 6 /+/ /-/
infix 7 /*/ 

Following these declarations, you can write both definitions and calls using infix notation:

fun thing1 <+> thing2 = ...

... mag1 /+/ mag2 ...

Guidance: algebraic laws

Arithmetic on signed integers requires algorithms you may not have thought about since elementary school. The heavy lifting is done in the implementation of natural numbers (below); the integer abstraction mostly has to get the signs right. To help you get signs right, we provide some algebraic laws. In the laws, magnitudes appear as variables N and M; signs appear as symbols + and -, and the BIGNUM and NATURAL operations are written using infix notation.

Related reading: Using the information in the ML learning guide, read about ML signatures, structures, and functors.

Programming exercise N: Arbitrary-precision natural numbers

In this exercise, you finish the implementation of natural numbers—of arbitrary precision—that you started on the first ML assignment. Arithmetic will never overflow; the worst that can happen is you run out of memory. You will design and build an implementation of signature NATURAL, which you will put in file natural.sml. You will tackle the implementation in two parts: first choose a representation and invariant, then implement the operations.

ML syntax hint: The introduction and elimination forms for the quotient/remainder record are shown above.

How big is it? I wrote two implementations using two significantly different representations. Together they total about 270 lines of code, of which 50 lines are blank. The two implementations are roughly the same size.

What’s the point? Abstract data types put a firewall between an interface and its implementation, so that you can easily change the base of natural numbers, or even the representation, and no program can tell the difference. In Standard ML, the firewall is emplaced through opaque signature ascription, known to a select group of 105 alumni as “the beak.”

Getting started: Representation, abstraction function, and invariant. A natural number should be represented by a sequence of digits. But “sequence of digits” has many representations! You probably want a list of digits, an array of digits, or an algebraic data type like the one from the ML homework. And what counts as a “digit” depends on the base. In this assignment, the choice of base is yours, but to get full credit, you must choose a base that is different from 10.

Document your representation by writing down the abstraction function and invariant:

Put the abstraction function and invariant inside your Natural module, right after the definition of type nat.

Related reading:

Finishing up: Implementing the interface. In file natural.sml, define a structure Natural that implements signature NATURAL. The right way to do it is with code that looks like this:

(* inconvenient code *)
structure Natural :> NATURAL = struct
  type     nat = ... your definition from part (a) ...,  OR
  datatype nat = ... a datatype is also OK here ...
  (* abstraction function:
       ... *)
  fun invariant ... = ...


But there’s a small problem here: once the module is sealed, you will find it almost impossible to debug. Here’s a trick of the ML masters:

(* convenient code *)
structure ExposedNatural = struct               (* Look!  No ascription *)
  type     nat = ...     OR
  datatype nat = ... 
  (* abstraction function:
       ... *)
  fun invariant ... = ...


structure Natural :> NATURAL = ExposedNatural   (* the module is sealed here *)

You can debug ExposedNatural, while your client code uses the sealed Natural.

Whichever way you choose to write it, be sure you seal structure Natural with the :> operator, so that no client code can see the representation and violate its invariants. Sealing is especially important if you choose a mutable representation of this immutable abstraction.

Feel free to draw on solutions from the first ML assignment—just acknowledge your sources.

Related reading:

  • For the details of addition, subtraction, and conversion, revisit the ML assignment. For multiplication, look at the model solutions.

  • Also from that assignment, revisit the “smart constructor”.

  • If you want to explore another representation, the short handout “Mastering Multiprecision Arithmetic” recommends exactly how to implement natural numbers, including what helper functions you will find most useful and what operations to implement first. Its recommendations are somewhat different from what you saw in the ML assignment, but if you want to use mutable arrays, you will find the recommendations useful.

  • Read about arithmetic in section 9.10.2 of Programming Languages: Build, Prove, and Compare.

  • If you need a refresher on ML signatures, structures, and functors, consult the ML learning guide.

Guidance for choosing a representation of natural numbers

No one representation is equally good for all operations.

You can pick one representation and stick with it, or you can convert temporarily as needed to facilitate each operation. You can even define a representation as a set of alternatives, as in

datatype nat = ARRAY         of digit array
             | LITTLE_ENDIAN of digit list
             | BIG_ENDIAN    of digit list

A little freedom can be dangerous: if you choose a representation like this one, you risk having to handle at least nine cases per binary operator. But the choice is yours.

If you’d like to use mutable arrays to implement natural numbers, here are some hints based on my experience:

As you complete exercise N, you may want to revisit your representation choices. That’s part of the point—representations can change without affecting any external code.

Guidance for implementing natural-number operations

Choice of representation determines what’s hard and what’s easy. Here are a few notes and hints:

Testing numbers

Testing should begin with natural numbers. To test anything, you need ofInt and decimal, which probably also means sdiv. If you can’t get sdiv working and you’re desperate to write tests, try using base 10 and writing a special-purpose implementation of decimal.

With these parts in place, compute some 20-digit numbers by taking a list of digits and folding with multiply and add. Since you only have to multiply by 10, you can test addition without multiplication. Here’s a function that multiplies by 10, using only addition:

fun tenTimes n =
  let infix 6 /+/
      val p = n
      val p = n /+/ n   (* p ==  2n *)
      val p = p /+/ p   (* p ==  4n *)
      val p = p /+/ n   (* p ==  5n *)
      val p = p /+/ p   (* p == 10n *)
  in  p

Once you are confident that addition works, you can test subtraction of natural numbers by generating a long random sequence, then subtracting the same sequence in which all digits except the most significant are replaced by zero.

You can create more ambitious tests of subtraction by generating random natural numbers and using the algebraic law (m + n) − m = n. You can also check to see that unless n is zero, m − (m + n) raises the Negative exception.

It is harder to test multiplication, but you can at least use repeated addition to test multiplication by small values.

You can also easily test multiplication by large powers of 10.

To create more test cases, you can use the interactive ghci interpreter on the servers. It implements the functional language Haskell, in which large-integer arithmetic is the (sensible) default. Here’s an example:

$ ghci
GHCi, version 8.0.2:  :? for help
Prelude> 1234567890 * 987654321 
Prelude> 1234567890 * 987654321 * 9999999999

To use such big numbers in your own code, you can convert them from strings. Here is a rough sketch of conversion from string to nat:

fun digitOfChar c =
  if Char.isDigit c then Char.ord c - Char.ord #"0"
  else raise Match

val natOfDigit = Natural.ofInt o digitOfChar

val ten  = Natural.ofInt 10
val zero = Natural.ofInt 0

val /*/ = Natural./*/
val /+/ = Natural./+/

infix 7 /*/
infix 6 /+/

fun natOfString s =
  foldl (fn (d, n) => n /*/ ten /+/ natOfDigit d) zero (explode s)

Beyond these simple kinds of tests, skilled engineers don’t write unit tests by hand—we write computer programs that generate unit tests. At any point, you can just generate random expressions that compute with large numbers, then compare your results with a working implementation of bignums. Both MLton and Standard ML of New Jersey (command sml) provide a structure IntInf that implements arbitrary-precision signed integers.

I provide some computer-generated tests for natural numbers. To run the tests, compile everything using compile105-sml, then load them into the interactive system, apply the functor, and run the tests:

$ mosml -P full -I /comp/105/lib
Moscow ML version 2.10-3 (Tufts University, April 2012)
Enter `quit();' to quit.
- load "natural-tests";
> val it = () : unit
- load "natural";
> val it = () : unit
- structure Run = UnitTestsFun(structure Natural = Natural);
> structure Run : {val run : unit -> unit}
All 72 internal Unit tests passed.
> val it = () : unit

I also provide some generated tests for signed integers, which require something like the following:

- structure B  = BignumFn(structure N = Natural);
- structure BT = UnitTestsFun(structure Bignum = B);

Programming, part two: Two-player games of complete information

Abstraction supports reuse. In this part of the assignment, you’ll reuse code for an idea at a very abstract level: “play a game.” In particular,

An abstraction of two-player games

To make it possible to reuse the same code for playing games, no matter what the game, requires a carefully designed abstraction. That abstraction, which is based on a design by George Necula, is presented here.

As always, program design begins with data. The data in this exercise are as follows:

The abstraction views every game as a state machine: the game starts in some initial state, and the game is played by transitioning from state to state. Each transition is triggered by a move. When the game reaches a final state, the game is over. The interface to the abstraction enables software not only to drive the state transitions, but also to ask such questions as “what moves are legal in this state?”, “is the game over?”, and “whose turn is it?”

Manifest (exposed) types: Players and outcomes

The representations of players and outcomes are exposed. They are given by the signature PLAYER:

signature PLAYER = sig
  datatype player  = X | O    (* 2 players called X and O *)
  datatype outcome = WINS of player | TIE

  val otherplayer : player -> player
  val unparse     : player -> string 
  val outcomeString : outcome -> string

The signature PLAYER also includes some functions that compute with players and outcomes. Here’s the implementation of signature PLAYER in a structure called Player.

structure Player :> PLAYER = struct
  datatype player  = X | O
  datatype outcome = WINS of player | TIE

  fun otherplayer X = O
    | otherplayer O = X

  fun unparse X = "X"
    | unparse O = "O"

  fun outcomeString TIE = "a tie"
    | outcomeString (WINS p) = unparse p ^ " wins"

To refer to Player types, constructors, and functions, you will use the “fully qualified” ML module syntax, as in the examples Player.otherplayer p, Player.X, Player.O, and Player.WINS p. The last three expressions can also be used as patterns.

First abstraction: Moves

The move abstraction exists to help communicate gameplay to a human player. Human input is converted to a move by function parse, and functions prompt and visualize are used to request and show moves.

signature MOVE = sig
  type move               (* A move---perhaps an (x,y) location *)
  exception Move          (* Raised for invalid moves *)

  (* creator *)
  val parse : string -> move
        (* Converts the given string to a move; If the string 
           doesn't correspond to a valid move, parse raises Move *)

  (* observers *)
  val prompt : Player.player -> string
        (* A request for a move from the given player *)
        (* Example: "What square does player O choose?" *)

  val visualize : Player.player -> move -> string
        (* A short string describing a move. 
           Example: "Player X picks up ...".
           The string may not contain a newline. *)

Second abstraction: a game (with states and moves)

The contract for an entire game is given in signature GAME. This signature (and its contract) subsumes the contracts for the abstract types move and state, as well as all the exported functions. The central abstraction is state, as described above. A state includes complete information about a game in progress, including whose turn it is. Each operation’s contract is expressed in terms of how it affects states.

The state abstraction is immutable—if a mutable representation is chosen, it must be impossible for a client to tell that a mutation has taken place.

signature GAME = sig
  structure Move : MOVE
  type state 

  (* CREATORS *)

  val initial : Player.player -> state
    (* Initial state for a game in which 
       the given player moves first. *)


  val makemove: state -> Move.move -> state
    (* Returns the state obtained by making the 
       given move in the given state.  Raises Move.Move
       if the state is final or if the given move is not
       legal in the given state. *)


  val visualize : state -> string
    (* A string representing the given state.  
       The string must show whose turn it is, 
       and it must end in a newline. *)

  val whoseturn  : state -> Player.player
    (* Given a _non-final_ state, returns the player
       whose turn it is to move.    When given a
       final state, behavior is unspecified. *)

  val isOver : state -> bool
    (* Tells if the given state is final. *)

  val outcome : state -> Player.outcome option
    (* When given a final state, returns SOME applied to the outcome.
       When given a non-final state, returns NONE. *)

  val legalmoves : state -> Move.move list
    (* Lists all moves that are valid inputs to `makemove` in the
       given state.  The list is empty if and only if the given
       state is final. *)


This is a broad interface. For example, there are three different ways to tell if a game is over. They must all agree!

Third abstraction: a game solver

The design of the GAME interface enables us to build a computer opponent based on exhaustive search: an abstract game solver (AGS). An AGS tries all possible moves, and if it can find a move that leads to a win, it chooses that move. The search knows nothing about the rules of any game, or even whose turn it is—it knows only which moves can be made in which states, which states are final, and what outcomes are good. It gets all that information from the GAME interface. Provided there aren’t too many states, the AGS makes a worthy opponent.

The interface to an AGS is narrow: all we can do is present a state, and ask the solver what a player (whose turn it is) should do in that state. If the state is final, the AGS has no recommendation. Otherwise, the AGS recommends a legal move. Either way, the AGS says what final outcome is expected, assuming that its recommendation (if any) is followed and that no player ever makes a bad move.

In addition to the advice function, the AGS contains a complete copy of the game itself! In effect, the AGS extends the Game with new functionality. In ML, this idiom is common.

signature AGS = sig
  structure Game : GAME
  val advice : Game.state -> { recommendation : Game.Move.move option
                             , expectedOutcome : Player.outcome
    (* Given a non-final state, returns a recommended move,
       plus the expected outcome if the recommendation is followed.
       Given a final state, returns no recommendation,
       plus the outcome that has already been achieved. *)

The cost model of an AGS is that it tries all possible combinations of moves. AGS functions can be slow. Wait patiently.

Design rationale

The abstractions above are designed around three needs:

These needs explain the design of the interfaces:

Programming exercise G: Implement a game

The main foci of this assignment are the large integers and the Abstract Game Solver. But to understand how the solver works, it helps you to implement a simple two-player game. You have your choice of three games:

Each game is more interesting to play (and more time-consuming to implement) than the game before it. Depending on which game you choose, you will implement one of the following:

Detailed instructions, rules for play, and hints for implementation can be found on the games page. The instructions include the strings that must be recognized by Move.parse. You need these instructions!

I have implemented all three games. You can play them by running coins, sticks, or ttt, all of which can be found in /comp/105/bin. In the first two games, if you play perfectly, you can beat my AGS. In the third, the best you can do is tie.

What to watch out for. The main thing we’ll look for in testing is to be sure that your observers provide a consistent picture of a game’s state. For example, if your implementation says that player X won, it had better also say that the game is over.

How big are they? Not counting embedded unit tests, my implementations look like this:

Related reading: The lengthy description of the GAME signature, the instructions for the game of your choice on the games page, and the section on ML modules in the ML learning guide.

Integration testing, part I: your game with my AGS

Once you’re satisfied with your game, you can test to see how it works when combined with my AGS as a computer player. You will create a game-specific AGS, then use it with my play manager. All this will be done interactively using Moscow ML. The key steps are as follows:

Here is an annotated transcript, which uses take the last coin as an example:3

: homework> mosml -I /comp/105/lib -P full
Moscow ML version 2.10-3 (Tufts University, April 2012)
Enter `quit();' to quit.
- load "coins";          <---- your game
> val it = () : unit
- load "ags";            <---- my AGS
> val it = () : unit
- structure CAgs = AgsFun(structure Game = Coins);    <--- create Ags structure
> structure CAgs : ...

Once you have your game-specific AGS, you create a play manager by applying functor PlayFun to your AGS. To get PlayFun, load file play.uo:

- load "play";           <---- my play manager
> val it = () : unit
- structure P = PlayFun(structure Ags = CAgs);        <--- create the player
> structure P : ...

Functor PlayFun returns a structure that implements the following signature:

signature PLAY = sig
  structure Game : GAME
  exception Quit
  val getamove : Player.player list -> Game.state -> Game.Move.move 
    (* raises Quit if human player refuses to provide a move *)

  val play : (Game.state -> Game.Move.move) -> Game.state -> Player.outcome

The function getamove expects a list of players for which the computer is supposed to play (the computer might play for X, for O, for both or for none). The return value is a function which the play manager uses to request a move given a configuration. The idea is that the function returned asks either the AGS or the human for a move, depending on whose turn it is.

The function play expects an input function (one built by getamove) and an initial state. This function then starts an interactive loop which prints visualizations and prompts users for moves (or asking the AGS where appropriate). Here are some suitable definitions.

val computerxo = P.getamove [Player.X, Player.O]
       (*Computer plays for both X and O *)

val computero = P.getamove [Player.O]
       (*Computer plays only O *)

val cnfi = Coins.initial Player.X
      (* Empty configuration with X to start *)

val contest = computero
      (* We play against the computer *)

With these definitions in place, you can start a game:

- computero cnfi;
Player X sees 4 quarters, 10 dimes, and 7 nickels.
What coins does player X take? 

If you want to watch the computer play both sides, try this:

- computerxo cnfi;
Player X sees 4 quarters, 10 dimes, and 7 nickels.
Player X takes [redacted]

With this experience in hand, you’re ready for the final module of the assignment: the AGS itself.

Programming exercise A: Build an Abstract Game Solver

Implement an Abstract Game Solver. Given a state, an AGS should advise us on the best move for the player whose turn it is.

The AGS looks at moves by simple linear search—but to compute the consequences of a move, the AGS calls itself recursively. So the search can be exponential in the length of the game. If you’ve ever studied AI or search algorithms, you may be aware that there are lots of fancy tricks you can use to cut down the size of a search like this. Ignore all of them. Implement the advice function in the simplest way possible.

Because the state type is abstract, the AGS can’t break down the state by forms of data. What the AGS can and should do is break down observations. Here is what I recommend:

Write an AGS using the following template:

functor AgsFun (structure Game : GAME) :> 
     where type Game.Move.move = Game.Move.move
     and   type Game.state     = Game.state
= struct
  structure Game = Game

  ... helper functions, if any ...

  fun advice state = ...

Note how annoying the where type declarations are: they look tautological, but they’re not. Complain to Dave MacQueen and Bob Harper.


To test your AGS, all you need to do is restart Moscow ML and once again load "ags";. As long as there is an ags.uo in the current working directory, Moscow ML will prefer it to the one we provide in /comp/105/lib. You’ll be able to run your unit tests, as well as the same kind of game-playing integration tests you used wih your coin game. If you have implemented one of the simple games, and you want to test your AGS with a more sophisticated game, try our tic-tac-toe game, as described below.

How big is it? My AGS takes about 40 lines of Standard ML.

Related reading:

What’s the point? The AGS requires one short but subtle recursive function, and it presents a simple, narrow interface. But look at the parameters! To try to implement an AGS using parametric polymorphism, you would need at least two type parameters (configuration and move), and you would need at least four function parameters (whoseturn, makemove, outcome, and legalmoves). Writing the code would become very challenging—polymorphism and higher-order programming at the value level is the wrong tool for the job. The point of this exercise is to use a functor to take an entire Game structure at one go: both types and values. Moreover, the same Game structure also drives the computer player and the interactive player—nothing in the Game module has to change. Programming at scale requires a language construct that bundles types and code into one unit.

A common mistake to avoid when debugging your AGS

If you build a simple AGS that fits in 40 lines of code, it is not going to try to fool you: if the AGS cannot force a win, it will pick a move more or less arbitrarily. A simple AGS has no notion of “better” or “worse” moves; it knows only whether it can force a win.

Here’s the common mistake: you’re playing against the AGS, and it makes a terrible move. You think it’s broken. For example, suppose you are playing Tic-Tac-Toe, with you as X, the AGS as O, and play starting in this position:

        |   | O |   |
        |   | X |   |
        |   |   |   |

You move in the upper left corner. The AGS does not move lower right to block you. Is it broken? No—the AGS recognizes that you can force a win, and it just gives up.

If you want an AGS that won’t give up, for extra credit you can implement an aggressive version that will delay the inevitable as long as possible. An aggressive AGS searches more states so that it can (a) win as quickly as possible and (b) hold on in a lost position as long as possible.

How big is it? My aggressive AGS is under 60 lines of Standard ML code.

Integration testing, part II: your AGS with my game

We supply a binary implementation of Tic-Tac-Toe in file /comp/105/lib/ttt.uo. You can use it as follows:

homework> mosml -I /comp/105/lib -P full
Moscow ML version 2.10-3 (Tufts University, April 2012)
Enter `quit();' to quit.
- load "ags";
> val it = () : unit
- load "ttt";
> val it = () : unit
- structure TTTAgs = AgsFun(structure Game = TTT);
> structure TTTAgs : ...
- load "play";
> val it = () : unit
- structure PT = PlayFun(structure Ags = TTTAgs);
> structure PT : ...
- (PT.getamove [Player.O]) (TTT.initial Player.X);
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   |
Player X is to move

Square for player X?

Our Tic-Tac-Toe recognizes squares upper left, upper middle, upper right, middle left, middle, middle right, lower left, lower middle, and lower right, as well as abbreviations ul, um, ur, ml, m, mr, ll, lm, and lr.

Extra Credit

75c option. Implement a game that is like take the last coin, but that has an additional rule: if you take exactly 75 cents’ worth of coins, you have the option to move again immediately, before your opponent takes a turn. (As implied by the word “option,” the extra move is a choice—a player is never required to exercise the option.) If you choose this extra credit, document your code with an explanation of what you chose to change and why.

Game theory. Professor Ramsey challenges you to a friendly game of “pick up the last stick,” with one thousand sticks. The stakes are a drink at the Tower Cafe. As the person challenged, you get to go first. Should you accept the challenge, or should you insist, out of deference to the professor’s age and erudition, that the professor go first? Justify your answer.

Proof. Here’s a conjecture: Every state in any correct implementation of the GAME interface always satisfies exactly one of these three properties:

If the conjecture is true, prove it. If not, provide a counterexample.

If you find a counterexample, can the conjecture be repaired? If so, repair it, and prove the repaired conjecture. If not, explain why not.

More. Implement a second game from the approved list.

Even more. Implement all three games on the approved list.

Four. Implement Connect 4.

Aggression. If it can’t win, a standard AGS will “give up”—if every move leads to a loss, all moves are equally bad, and it apparently moves at random. That’s because a standard AGS assumes that its opponent is perfect. In the dual situation, when the standard AGS knows it can win no matter what, it picks a winning move at random instead of winning as quickly as possible. This behavior may lead you to suspect bugs in your AGS. Don’t be fooled.

Change your AGS so that it delays losing as long as possible, and when it can win, it wins as quickly as possible. (For example, it should prune the search only if it finds a win on the next move.) One technique is to assign each move a floating-point “benefit” (of type real) and to choose the move with the highest benefit.

Programming wrapup: Abstraction functions and invariants

Exercise ADT. Collect representations, abstraction functions, and invariants.

In a new file adt.txt, summarize your design work:

What and how to submit

As soon as you have tackled the reading comprehension, run submit105-sml-solo to submit your answers to the CQ’s.

For the programming exercises, submit the following files:

The ML files that you submit should contain all structure and function definitions that you write for this assignment (including any helper functions that may be necessary), in the order they should be compiled. The files you submit must compile with Moscow ML, using the compile105-sml script we give you. We will reject files with syntax or type errors. Your files must compile without warning messages. If you must, you can include multiple structures in your files, but please don’t make copies of the structures and signatures above; we already have them.

As soon as you have the files listed above, run submit105-sml-pair to submit a preliminary version of your work. Keep submitting until your work is complete; we grade only the last submission.


The AGS assignment is derived from one graciously provided by Bob Harper. George Necula, who was his teaching assistant at the time (and is now a professor at Berkeley and is world famous as the inventor of proof-carrying code), did the bulk of the work.


Appendix I: Two ways to compile Standard ML modules

The Definition of Standard ML does not specify where or how a compiler should look for modules in a filesystem. And each compiler looks in its own idiosyncratic way. You should be able to get away with using compile105-sml, but if something goes wrong, this appendix explains not only what is going on but also how to compile with MLton. (MLton is going to be important when the time comes to test your game.)

Compiling Standard ML modules using Moscow ML

To compile an individual module using Moscow ML, you type

mosmlc -I /comp/105/lib -c -toplevel filename.sml

This puts compiler-interface information into filename.ui and implementation information into filename.uo. Perhaps surprisingly, either a signature or a structure will produce both .ui and .uo files. This behavior is an artifact of the way Moscow ML works; don’t let it alarm you.

If your module depends on another module, you will have to mention the .ui file on the command line as you compile. For example, a BignumFn functor depends on both NATURAL and BIGNUM signatures. If BignumFn is defined in bignum.sml, NATURAL is defined in natural-sig.sml, and BIGNUM is defined in bignum-sig.sml, then to compile BignumFn you run

mosmlc -I /comp/105/lib -toplevel -c natural-sig.ui bignum-sig.ui bignum.sml

The script compile105-sml knows about the files that are assigned for the homework, and in most situations it inserts the .ui references for you.

To talk about what happens after you compile, I’ll use another example:

mosmlc -I /comp/105/lib -c -toplevel /comp/105/lib/game-sig.ui /comp/105/lib/player.ui coins.sml

This compilation produces two files:

You can do two things with the .uo files:

Compiling Standard ML to native machine code using MLton

If your games are running too slow, compile them with MLton. MLton is a whole-program compiler that produces optimized native code. To use MLton, you list all your modules in an MLB file, and MLton compiles them at one go. If you want to try this with the coins game, download files and runcoins.sml, and then compile with compile with

mlton -output coins -verbose 1

(You can also download and compile, runsticks.sml,, and runttt.sml.)

Because MLton requires source code, you will be able to use it only once you have your own AGS. More information about MLton is available on the man page and at

Appendix II: How your work will be evaluated

Program structure

We’ll be looking for you to seal all your modules. We’ll also be looking for the usual hallmarks of good ML structure.

Exemplary Satisfactory Must improve

• All modules are sealed using the opaque sealing operator :>

• Code uses basis functions effectively, especially higher-order functions on list and vector types.

• Code has no redundant case analysis

• Code is no larger than is necessary to solve the problem.

• Most modules are sealed using the opaque sealing operator :>

• Code uses the familiar functions, but misses opportunities to use unfamiliar functions like Vector.tabulate.

• Code has one redundant case analysis

• Code is somewhat larger then necessary to solve the problem.

• Only some or no modules are sealed using the opaque sealing operator :>

• A module is defined without ascribing any signature to it (unsealed)

• Code misses opportunities to use map, fold, or other familiar HOFs.

• Code has more than one redundant case analysis

• Code is almost twice as large as necessary to solve the problem.

Or, code contains near-duplicate functions (most likely in AGS)

Performance and correctness

Finally, we’ll look to be sure your code meets specifications, and that the performance of your AGS is as good as reasonably possible.

Exemplary Satisfactory Must improve

• Game code fulfills the contracts specified in the GAME and MOVE signatures. In particular, every observer and producer presents a consistent view of whether the game is over.

• AGS code makes no additional assumptions about the implementations of Player, Move, or Game.

• Game code fulfills the contracts specified in the GAME and MOVE signatures, except that it permits illegal moves.

• Game code fulfills the contracts specified in the GAME and MOVE signatures, except it sometimes raises the wrong exception.

• Game code violates one of its contracts.

• AGS code assumes that players take turns.


• The AGS implements its advice function using a single, pruned search that stops once the best move or outcome is known.

Or, the AGS implements advice by making just one search through the state space of possible game configurations.

• Long computations on natural numbers are basically instantaneous, even when hundreds of decimal digits are involved.

Or, we can do hundreds of operations on natural numbers, including multipliation, on numbers with dozens of decimal digits, in less then a hundred milliseconds.

• Function advice may search the state space of possible configurations more than once.

• The natural-number tests I provide run in less than a hundred milliseconds.

• Function advice may search the state space of possible configurations more than twice.

• Any computation on natural numbers takes more than a second.

  1. If you copy a signature, sml-lint will complain. Don’t copy signatures.

  2. Words like “subtrahend” and “minuend” are useful, but I always have to look them up.

  3. If you choose the sticks game, you’ll have to instantiate your functor SticksFun with val N = 14.

  4. To make the pattern matching exhaustive, the compiler also requires you to handle the empty list. Since an empty list is impermissible according to the contract for legalmoves, I recommend that you handle this case with an expression like “let exception ContractViolation in raise ContractViolation end.”